
Now that we have less illegal immigrants in the US, why is the un-employment rate rising?

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Shouldn't this be balanced out now that there are a lot of vacant jobs that the illegals left. Why aren't these jobs being scooped up by citizens? is un-employment an easier alternative? Please help me understand this.




  1. The illegal aliens in the USA are over 12 millions and raisin. These is one of the problems with unemployment but not all of it. there are also outsourcing of our jobs and this is also a problem.

  2. Ilegal immigrants are not counted towards the unemployment rate, so whether they have jobs or not, does not affect it.  The unemployment rate is calculated by the amount of working age American citizens that are filing unemployment (i.e. unable to get jobs and not on disability).

    In addition, the jobs illegals tend to occupy are traditionally low paying, manual labor jobs and are not very appealing to most Americans.

  3. Because we need to get rid of more illegal immigrants. If you get rid of more illegals, wages will go up for the jobs they left because of supply and demand. As it is right now, illegal immigrants leaving are having no effect because the economy is not in the greatest shape right now because of energy prices.

  4. Not many have been sent out. Illegals are always coming over the border. Besides, they would always consider "employment" as working in the fields, and, trust me, I live on a vineyard, and we always higher illegals to tend to the grapes. It's cheaper. But if they leave, they're taking positive employment ratings with them.

  5. The problem is that we are losing more jobs than illegals. We need to get rid of a lot more illegals. I will ask Sheriff Joe to step up his deportations. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. I live in California, we have more illegals than ever and they are increasing their numbers by shocking numbers,

    we also have one of the highest rates of unemployment.  Possibly do to increased illegal invasion.

    I think your highly misinformed as to the correlation and unemployment rate, they will teach that in college if you get to go.

  7. Because Bush and co. have created a very weak dollar (because of our HUGE Nat. deficit) this in turn has created a very weak economy.  No one can seem to tie these two things together.  (at least no REPUBLICAN can!)

  8. Who said the illegal migrant workers left?  Last I looked there are still a lot of them around where I live.  And the other question, yes there are a large number of poverty level people that find collecting welfare and unemployment an easier lifestyle than working a valid job.  My wife is the manager of an apartment complex and it is disgusting to see that there are people living on subsidised housing.  There is one guy that pays only 3 dollars a month rent.  This is also the same guy driving a 2007 Cadillac Escalade.  Now go figure out how that works.  It is just discouraging to see some people work so hard just to make ends meet and then there lazy freeloaders that take advantage of the system.  Is it fair that the guy busting his/her hump to make the rent and drives a car that barely runs if they have a car at all, lives at a lower comfort level than Mr Lazy freeloader with his 3 dollar rent and a new car... I dont think so either.  There really needs to be a reform of almost every goverment project that applies to the lower class.  

  9. Because people don't wanna work at McDonald's

  10. What is your basis for saying there are less illegals

    it seems to me there are more than ever....

    they make more money off of having babies they are finding out they don't have to do cheap labor

    with the little "citizens" they are popping out they have access to welfare health insurance and SSI when the babies are born with defects(and a lot of them are.....SSI is the new racket for them)

    with all of these entitlement programs they have access to they make more money having s** than actually working...

    1.3  million left and then how many came back with different techniques

    like ssi

    stolen social security numbers

    and things of that nature...

  11. SIMPLE! the US citizens that rant and rave claiming they'll do the jobs illegals do, DON'T really want to do the work. YES! an un-employment check is a lot easier especially in the summer time.  

  12. The unemployment rate is take off the number of people collecting unemployment benefits..

    Illegals are not eligible for unemployment benefits.

    Your totally confused.

    Illegals are not, nor have ever never been factored into the unemployment rate of the U.S.

  13. the more the illegals, the higher the unemployment rate amongst Americans.

    simple economics.

  14. We all know better,how er  government mess up the economy so hey blame it on the illegals.

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