
Now that we have two Mavericks entering the white-house?

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McCain and Palin are both considered to be mavericks in that they both are known to cross party lines on issues that are of real importance when it comes to 'Putting America First"-----won't we finally be able to see some real change? We now know we will win----and now we also need to turn our focus to the house and senate seats and get rid of the incumbents that refuse to do what is right to make our government and nation a better place. I entertain your thoughts.




  1. Quit sniffing the glue.  

  2. I second that!  First to go is Pelosi, Reid, Hillary, Biden (King of filibustering-and not getting anything done!), Kennedy(murdered) and well Obama who only votes PRESENT anyways.  Yes, there are many others too, but that is just to name a few air wasters.  

  3. Yes we do.

    McCain wants to bomb Iran and continue the glorious Bush policies.  And he knows little about the economy.

    Palin wants Alaska to secede from the US.  She likes to abuse her power by firing those who don't fire people she hates.  She preaches abstinence, but her unmarried daughter is pregnant.  She was almost kicked out of the office of mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people.

  4. Hey, what an encouraging question, let's   hope and pray you're right, and yes we will see real change if McCain is elected. I agree with you. I'm concerned who gets ont he Supreme Court.

  5. Mavericks?


    Thanks for the laugh!

    I see you've been cutting and pasting McCain's "talking points" from the campaign website.

    Keep up the good work, sheep.

  6. Anyone who can get this country out of its present depression or rather malaise.

    Bush is gone

    McCain is not Bush

    Obama is too goofy

    Biden is old school congress (demo-can't_)

    and Sarah Palin is new and interesting

    so let the games begin..I want a clean cut fight and whoever wins

    better cut the mustard!

  7. Yes

    Definitely sounds better than one pseudo maverick who just talks about change but has never done it

  8. I ready do believe that McCain and Palin are better suited for what we need in this country right now...Obama is a joke

  9. Don't use the word "line" around liberals they starting sniffing/snorting

  10. I'm sry but i highly doubt you even know who Palin was until about a week ago. There is no way you can feel so sure about a person in that amount of time unless youre voting pretty much because she is a woman or against obama, not turning it into a racist thing which most people try to make it seem that way, but there is no way Palin can be a good vice president when the president has only meet with her once... All he is doing is trying to fight for the people that just want to see a woman in office, the people that don't think about the issues.

  11. No

  12. McCain can cross party lines, definitely. But I hardly consider somebody who calls for a ban on contraceptives, who believes we should not teach safe s*x in school, and who is a complete religious zealot bipartisan. I hope McCain wins, but I will not be happy with Palin in the VP slot.

  13. Expected to answer a question. But... I think you're jumping the gun a bit. This McCain Palin thing could help OR hurt him in my opinion. I certainly wouldn't count it as a win.

  14. I don't consider them 'mavericks'.  That's a media term.  The mainstream media is ever anxious to label people they don't understand.

    McCain and Palin are best described as: patriotic Americans

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