
Now that we know Gov Sarah Palin speaks in tongues do you find this a bit strange?

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Gov Palin attends a Pentecostal Church where they speak in tongues, almost as whacked out as snake handling.




  1. and Obama attended Wright's services for years and years and considers him a family friend.   I'd rather have someone who speaks in tongues (and you've taken way too much license with that little lie) than a racist presidential candidate.

  2. that's what makes her so attractive to mccain

  3. I would never insult someones spirituality, that's her own personal relationship with God.

    But they only reason she is in the news now is because she is smokin hot...

    Obama.Biden 08

  4. OMG you liberals and your prejudices, I thought you were supposed to be the tolerant inclusive ones!  I am ashamed, I guess im going over to the conservatives.

    Oh and I agree with alex. she is smokin hot.

  5. Not at all. The Constitution guarantees freedom of Religion. I couldn't care less if she spent all day Sunday buck naked, reciting incantations over a bag full of chicken bones.

  6. It's very strange but luckily we live in America and we are free to choose our own religion.  Her religion is her business.

  7. Speaking in tongues is an altered mental state brought on in the same manner as hypnosis. Someone who speaks in tongues should not have their finger on the nuclear button. I do not want a Pentecostal in the White House. They are weak minded people with serious mental and emotional issues.  

  8. that's good to know

  9. A lot of people talk about how she is "intelligent" but I question the intelligence of anyone who promotes teaching creationism in schools.

    If it is true that she attends a Pentecostal Church then it just goes to show that her selection was NOT a maverick move designed to attract independent voters but was just more pandering to the extreme right wing of the republican base.

  10. Hahahaha  An Obamabot daring to criticize her church, now that is too funny ;)

    Is it time to bring up 20 years of Rev Wright again?

  11. If Palin goes to a Pentecostal church, that does not mean she speaks in tongues.  I wonder if she does, or operates in a gift of prophecy, healing, or word of knowledge or word of wisdom.  The word of knowledge or the word of wisdom could be very helpful in a governmental position.  I wonder if people in politics with this gift tend to get words of knowledge about international issues as opposed to just knowing stuff supernaturally about people they are ministering to.

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