
Now that we know man-made global warming is a lie, does Al Gore have to give his awards back?

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As scientific evidence continues to come out disproving Gore's movie, such as the fact that warm temps cause C02, not vice versa, and that Gore tampered with the chart to hide this, when is he going to be held accoutable, or at least have to turn in his awards?




  1. What evidence are you talking about? He will turn in his award as soon as you win one! The rumor, as put forth by 'Ben', that Al Gore 'bribed' the Nobel Committee,is a slanderous accusation! No one 'bribes' a scientific organization with such credentials!  Yes ,Al is right! Warm ocean temps will release CO2 that is contained in sea water. That is what's called a "negative feedback loop"! You have obviously not had any education in Natural History in school.  Science is not like a religion.  Nobody is asking you to simply have a blind faith of what is discovered by scientists.  Would you feel better about 'believing',if Garth Brooks won a Nobel Prize for a movie explaining global warming?  Is it just your 'hatred' of a washed up politician?

  2. Man-made global warming is not a lie! It's real, it's been proven!

  3. We don't actually 'know' much, as most of this is theory [ for and against ], I am no fan of Al Gore, but, he has raised awareness of the fact that we ARE polluting and damaging the planet in many ways. THAT we do 'know' !

  4. I think he may have made a donation to the Nobel Prize committee (which is quite legal) prior to receiving his award - so I would think he's got no problems there.  

    Isn't that how things get done in politics?  Don't gifts get reciprocated?

  5. Unfortunately, we DON'T know that; the evidence isn't conclusive either way.  There is still a large percentage of the population, including scientists who know something about it, who believe that it is the real thing.  There is an article on the subject which is worth reading; see:

  6. can you provide one piece of scientific evidence disproving AGW? the inconvenient truth made a few generalizations and errors but dose it really matter? until you disprove AGW the cornerstone of his activism is still there.

  7. What a scared little mouse. Somebody might move my cheese!!! These people that do not want to believe in Global Warming are the same people that are afraid that they cannot compete with illegal aliens in the job market.

    Do not think that I am talking about the 36 real scientists that think there might not be any global warming. You 36 need to do some research and prove your case. It is important work. I am talking about the pea brained conservatives that are totally uneducated but still have opinions about things that are way above thier intellect and repeat things that REPORTERS say.

    The press gets everything wrong fellow. They just have to look good they don't have be clear.

    Look we all knew that we would have to get off of oil and gas soon any way. With the global economy growing you are going to have to change to some other fuel any way. We just can't mine this stuff quick enough.

    If global warming is a bad reason to do it 50 years quicker it does not matter.

  8. You need to pay attention to what The Masked Masala has to say and read what rhsaunde suggests.  This might change your attitude!

  9. This question cracks me made global warming is a lie? Where did you get this information? I think that you should also get your facts straight regarding Inconvenient Truth. The claim that much of Gore's evidence has "now been discredited" is itself an untruth. In a work of such breadth and scope as An Inconvenient Truth, the occasional inaccuracy, such as when Gore states that the number of polar bears is diminishing when infact the numbers were not declining (2006 remember), does not therefore mean that the ice is not melting and in no way disqualifies An Inconvenient Truth as an accurate assessment of global warming due to human activity.

    No single work has gone so far to educate so many.

  10. If global warming does not exist, great, the world is fine, we're fine, everybody is happy (and Al Gore's Carbon Credit business goes out of business).  If global warming is going on, first can we really stop it?  If it is caused by the sun, certainly not.  If it's caused by humans (which seems like an arrogant presumption to me), can we stop it without causing more human misery and suffering than the thing itself is likely to cause?  And really, just how much suffering will global warming cause?  How much did Al Gore say the sea levels were supposed to rise over the next hundred years?  That doesn't give people enough time to move out of the way of the rising waters?  I'm freezing right now.  Personally, if the temperature gets back up to what kicked off the Rennaisance (or ended the Middle Ages, which ever way you want to look at it), I'll be as happy as a stock of corn with doubled carbon dioxide levels.

  11. Yes but Woogie...  All you Gore loving liberals always have a feel good response to everything.  It's all about money.

    Al Gore uses more energy In a day than a small town, but he has his "offsets".

    So if I go plant a tree than I can dump my paint cans in the river.  That's what an offset is isn't it.

    I love the environment but in a common sense way.

  12. in my residence,during the early 80's, one has to dig 20 feet before one reach water level. Now, one has to land fill the former ground level bc the water level is over it by 2 feet.

  13. Fortunately, the real scientists are doing the thinking.

    Unfortunately, there are people like you who spread propaganda, without regard to the cost. What is the cost of your actions? The dumbing down of society. To late for you, but we'll try to save as many as we can before you get to them.

  14. Don't forget the fact that temperatures have only risen on the surface of the Earth, not at all in the upper-atmosphere, if global warming were caused by the green house effect, don't you think the temperature would rise there first. Truth is global warming is a lie, propaganda created by socialists like Gore, to fine and tax rich corporations and developed, industrialized nations, then redistribute the wealth to the Third-World. That's what Kyoto was about, that's what "carbon-taxes" are about, that's what "climate change" is about. There goal is to create global socialism, and succeed where the Soviet Union failed, destroying capitolism and individual economic freedom.

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