
Now that we know that George Bush's speech writer wrote Palin's last night, is that what reps think change is?

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Now that we know that George Bush's speech writer wrote Palin's last night, is that what reps think change is?




  1. The speech was divisive along the line of Bush/Cheney mentality.So  it does reflect that it will be 4 more years of the same policies.Mud slinging,degrading and an embarassment to the US.

  2. HEE we're not the ones chanting "change" as our nominee picks the most 'inside' Washington insider he could muster.

    ask that question of O.

  3. Karl Rove is alive and well.  The dirt has just begun to fly.  Dig in boys and girls we are about to see a continuation of what we had seen in 2000, and 2004.

    You want Half truths ?  Misrepresentations ? and Lies ?  Your needs are about to be met.

  4. What a really dumb question.

    Does a guy who comes in to paint your house paint it the colors you want or the colors he wants?

    Does a movie script writer pen what he wants or what the director wants?

    Does a surgeon perform the operation you want or the one he wants?

    Does the contractor who builds your house build the house from the plans you choose or the one he chooses?

    I'm pretty sure someone else told Da Vinci to paint the Mona Lisa.

  5. bling bling ya'll

    Olbama's speech writer is 26-27 years old, ever wonder why so many younger voters are in love with him and his speeches?

  6. Obviously you have absolutely no clue as to how speech writing works...sucha doosh..

  7. you need to understand how speech writers work...some write for both dems and repubs...its work for them just like anything else...they don't come up with all of the ideas and policies, they work with the person giving the speech and put those thoughts into a say that because the same person wrote a speech for Bush and Palin means there will be no change is completely ignorant...but then again you are obviously a lib so that doesn't surprise me.

  8. OH GAWD!!! speechwriters write for all different people and all different speeches. Face it, she knows what she is doing, who she is and what she wants to accomplish and this is all that matters!!!!!!

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