
Now that we know who would you vote for, Obama/Biden or McCain/Palin?

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Now we know who the VPs are, who would you for? The general election is about to start. So who are you voting for and why?




  1. Obama and Biden. As you can see, at the Convention, McCain and Palin did nothing but bash Obama. They didn't talk about any issues or anything. The only reason why McCain actually chose Palin was because she's a woman and he know that he needed Hillary Clinton supporters to vote his way. It was and is a very desperate move.

    Palin has no experience to me. She has only been in control of an area that had 6,000 people, and only for 6 years. If McCain dies, how would she know how to control more than 50 million people in America, not to mention America's problems? She can't. She can't even control her 17 year old daughter, so let alone a whole country.

  2. Obama/Biden:

    Lower taxes for middle class, He seems very open minded, most politicians pick a side and fight with no interest in compromising, Obama admits Dems & Reps will have to meet halfway on a lot of things to make a difference. I think he will get things done and improve the way government operates.

  3. Mccain/Palin

    The only ones who can prove with their record that they will not only work to defend and honor this country,  but would also try to work with both parties to accomplish a common goal.  

    Obama promises this but has no record of doing it.  

  4. Obama/Biden - I think the reason is obvious: because this country needs a change and I agree with most if not all their views on all the issues.  8 is enough!

    *It's funny how Republicans say that they don't want government running their lives, yet that's exactly what they're asking for when they try to get Roe V. Wade overturned: government telling us we don't have a choice, that we HAVE to have babies no matter what.

  5. Obama/Biden:

    Obama has the leadership we need and actually cares about those who do not make over 250K a year.

    Biden has the experience and is a phenomenal debater; can't beat that.


    . all the liberties we hold most dear will be taken away if Obama becomes president he has said himself that the way to deal with terrorists is to "TALK" with idea.

    He will raise taxes...

    JOHN MCCAIN IS A REAL HERO! He is the one who REALLY sacrificed for his country. The Democrats can't say that for their candidate

    .and for the people saying that Palin has no experience,

    Palin was governor of Alaska for 2 years! She made many decisions about energy, taxes, bills, etc, every day!... Obama was only a JR. Senator...... he didn't make any decisions like that at all!

    Palin has WAY MORE experience than Obama, AND SHE'S NOT EVEN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!

  7. McCain/Palin for the simple cause of FREEDOM. Do people really want the government to control their every move? Not me.  

  8. Obama/Biden because I agree with their stand on the issues.

  9. Obama/Biden

    Because he knows what the regular people are going through. (By regular I mean the not rich people) and he has the right ideas about health care and war.

    The only thing I don't like is that he's pro-choice.

  10. Obama/Biden.

    They support talking first, and using military action as a last resort.

    They oppose offshore drilling, which is just a smokescreen - it won't provide enough oil to make a significant difference.

    They support health care ideas that assist those who are too poor to pay for good medical care.

    They support a woman's right to choose for herself what to do with her own body.

    They support improved rights for g**s and lesbians.

    They support diplomacy over bullying, and want to improve our friendships with other nations.

    They represent hope and change, not four more years of the same.

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