
Now the GOP VP choice has personal attacks flying towards her. Why so ugly?

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That's kind of low, and I say that for any side. Personally, I think it'd suck if my private family life was attacked like that for a typical teenage mistake.

Maybe it's just on Y!A, but I'd like to see some personal attacks thrown at the liberal camp by republics or conservatives. No doubt they're there, I'm just looking to see what's making you people so indignant over a typical teenager.




  1. They have to be ugly,

    Otherwise, they have no way to counter her.

    Since Palin, has more elected political experience than Obama does.

  2. The Obama family has been attacked for months.

    But what you guys don't ever seem to understand is that it is the difference between what a person claims to believe and what they actually do that gets everyone ticked off.

    If you say you don't believe in owning guns, and we find a gun at your house, that will tick us off. If you are an NRA member, then it won't tick us off. See?

    So when Sarah Palin says she is for family values and a strict conservative who home schools her children and teaches abstinence, then we find out her daughter is pregnant...see?

  3. sad considering the left is usually all for teen pregnancy unless the mother of the teen has an R next to her name.  

    Many on the left will believe, quite mistakenly, that such an announcement is likely to weaken Palin’s support among “the hard-right conservative base”. But in fact, it will do no such thing — first, because the “hard-right conservative base” that liberal Democrats consistently invoke is largely a caricature that lives only in their minds and as a convenient trope in their rhetoric, from whence it can be trotted out as a foil and a boogeyman on cue; and second, because those energized over the choice of Palin include many disaffected libertarians and classical liberals who were, until the announcement of the Governor’s candidacy, set to either sit the election out, or else cast a protest vote for Bob Barr.

  4. the personal attacks are flying because the Dems are scared.....they know that now they have no chance of winning

  5. Caldude, your response "Last time I checked, her daughter is not 18, thus her pregnancy is legally a result of statitory rape." is incorrect.

    It would not be a crime in Alaska.

    So, you need to check again.  Assuming you ever bothered to check in the first place.  

    No, I don't care what the law is in your state.  Alaska's law controls.  

  6. Because the libs were kicking back thinking they had it in the bag because Mcain sucks. When they saw the GOP pick for VP they saw her appeal and they are crapping their pants in fear.

  7. I'm not attacking her kids, just comparing her ethical standards to the great Spiro T. Agnew.

  8. Last time I checked, her daughter is not 18, thus her pregnancy is legally a result of statitory rape.

    So why isn't Palin, the governor, upholding the rule of law by demanding prosecution?

  9. The Daily Kos can't attack her 80% approval rating when their chosen ones have an approval rating of 8%.  So, they invented a story; it's what they do.

  10. they have to find anything to attack her,they know they have no moral ground when up against her,these attacks are pathetic . all of it shows that she is loving and caring and true to her beliefs.

  11. Sarah Palin found it funny when some radio host was calling her female opponent a *****.

    She has no problem with personal attacks, so I'm sure she can take the heat for being a lousy mother.

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