
Now the Olympics are over, will the peasants get their land back.?

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and will the Chinese government crash down on all the people who stood against it.




  1. At least they have still got their hair, eh, Tony?!

  2. No, they were paid compensation and given housing in other areas.  They felt that because the land was now so famous because of Olympics exposure they are trying to get more money from the government.  But all of them have received money and alternate housing.  A bit like back in the Old West when the railroad company had to build their tracks through some housing and they bought them off, sometimes by force.

  3. No here in the UK i will be fine. Thank You for asking but us peasants are alright. How are you none peasants. still looking down on us. Why have you referred to them as peasants.

  4. unlikely, they will be forgotten as soon as all of us left the country.

    i have seen their new house on the news, man! they do not even have electricity, water, road! they basically got new house in the middle of nowhere!

    that is the lucky one!

    those unlucky enough to get a real house, they got only some money and that was it!

    feel sorry for those people. i which many arrogant chinese in the here would loose their home, then their idea would be totally difference!

  5. They all now have cushy jobs as stadium caretakers.

  6. No they have been moved on, either that they will take over the water cube and birds nest stadium. As to reverting to type probably, see what happens now if journalists have more freedom than they used to.  

  7. Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, along with the city of Arlington, TX, forced people off their lands to build a stadium, and those people don't even get a penny of profit sharing from the billions in profits the team and the NFL will make.  Then there's the whole kicking the Indians off their land in the name of progress. What else is new in the world? If we can do it, they can do it, right? See, we aren't so different from China. We are told where it's ok to protest, and so were they. Designated protest areas.  

  8. probably not,,a better question would be ,,will all the street urchins,beggars and prostitutes and such,who the chinese gov started incarcerating in concentration camps(to keep them out of public view)18 months ago,,,will they now be released?

  9. Well, with all the pomp and ceremony over, what's left to detract from the real issues at hand? I for one will be watching the news with an eagle eye to see whether human rights issues will be tackled in China. Personally, I won't be holding my breath. After all it's still a communistic regime, and so passe in this 3rd Millennium.

  10. why do you think they own the land?  

  11. Do you live in China? If not please dont judge China stereotypically becuase "those peasants" have got new and improved houses!

  12. Do'nt be jealousy, CHINA is already CHAMPION BEJING 2008 olympic games and is not your bussines!!!

  13. Nope, and i find it very sad

  14. i am waiting for it..hope it will. let see

  15. This old guy is still living in 100 years ago.  

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