
Now the jamaicans are being accused of cheating?

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because they are winning.

Just because someone is good does not mean they are cheating.

What do you think?




  1. Who is accusing them? I haven't heard any country say anything or is it a few "people" here - the experts in sports.

  2. They are just bitter.....ignore them!

    Let the same be even suggested about Phelps, and they'd have a fit!

    Something to think about: which country's athletes have most been found guilty of doping?

  3. they are sore losers.... DUHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

  4. Jealousy?

  5. It helps the United States deal with there losses better.

  6. I think with the big thing about steroids now days and the fact that athletes  are tested I think someone would be taking a big chance on using performance enhancing drugs during the olympics or during the training because each major event  like the world track and field events they are randomly tested.  I haven't watch the news yet but if Americans are saying that Bolt was using steroids then we should also be inclined to say Phelps took Steroids too and there is not one American saying that .  Are we too quick to judge because we lose an event and that we can't handle losing?

  7. It not like they come out from no where.  

    I say good on them

  8. Accused by whom exactly - a couple of trolls on the Internet?  Wouldn't pay too much attention to that.  

  9. With track and field's horrific record of athletes being busted

    for performance enhancing drugs over the last dozen years,

    and with quite a few of these being high profile athletes,

    a dominant performance by anyone, and in particular the whole team,

    has to raise a few eyebrows.

    It's not accusing anyone of cheating, it's just being skeptical.

    It's too bad that sports has finally come to this.  

    The development of PEDs is way ahead of the sport's governing body's

    ability to test and identify just what the h**l primo athletes are

    taking these days.  Many times it takes years to identify these,

    and longer to develop adequate tests, and by then there's something

    else out there.  Baseball, football, cycling, wrestling, track & field,

    weightlifting, and on and on.  All major sports are guilty.

    h**l, I wouldn't be surprised if even the ping-pong and badminton

    guys are taking some form of speed to up their game.

    Sports fans have a right to be skeptical of a dominating performance.

    They've been suckered too many times now.

  10. It's not logical for someone to gain that much speed and strength in such a short period  in track and field.  Think science.  If you have ever taken drugs you know that you can do it.  He gained 1 sec or more on the world record in just 6 months and the world is dump enough to believe he did it without drugs.  Not only him, but the women's Jamaican team is doing it also.  1 + 1 = 2 in my book.   Not getting on to only Jamaica, USA has had several pro baseball players recently caught taking steroids.  Look at their history before they became all of a sudden faster, stronger, and faster.  

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