
Now this guys in golf?

by Guest63629  |  earlier

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should we lynch al sharpton? whats up with this guy?




  1. can we let this go yet. Yes lynch him. and every other PCASS outthere.

  2. Al Sharpton is not pro civil rights.  Al Sharpton is anti-white.

    Kelly Tilghman was paying Tiger Woods a compliment, by saying that the only way younger golfers stood a chance at being competitve was by taking Tiger out.

    Then racists like Al Sharpton get involved and the Golf Channel gets all scared and intimidated.

    I would like to ask Al Sharpton what he puts in his soup. If he answers, "crackers," I'll sue his big fat butt and demand he be fired.

  3. First off Tiger Woods, from his own mouth, is not an African American, see brackets below

    {In a sport considered by many as "white"-and viewed by some as racist-Tiger Woods is often described as the "Great Black Hope." His mother, Tida, as she is called by friends, bristles at this description.

    "To call Tiger black is to deny my existence," she told Newsweek last year. "You know what my grandfather on my mother's side is? Dutch! White! Hah!"

    While Woods writes "Asian" on forms requesting ethnicity-"Actually, I'm 90 percent Oriental, more Thai than anything," he's said-Tiger feels his ethnicity should never be an issue. And, if he is a role model, it's simply because some people want him to be. }

    Second of all to define lynching:

    lynch /lɪntʃ/ Pronunciation Key -

    –verb (used with object) to put to death, esp. by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority.

    Nothing about race that I see there. Sure there is the connotation of it associated with African Americans, but... ummm.. Tiger is NOT African American.

    Enough already of blaming present generations for sins of the past. We are all responsible for ourselves, no more VICTIM mentality!

  4. whats up wit u bein g*y?

  5. no. Reverend Al is alright

  6. I think he is overboard on this one! But your attitude shows he is an evil necessity. There is NO place for racism in this day and age.

  7. It was a stupid comment, and I don't understand what the announcer was even getting at by saying that... but announcers are paid to talk, for hours on end, for years. If any regular person was listened to as attentively as announcers sooner or later we'd all say something stupid. That's why every few years some announcer or athlete or celebrity says something very stupid.

    But again, I don't even get what the guy meant.

  8. Al is an *** clown that is still trying to make himself a RESPECTED public figure. He will never be what Dr,. King or Jessie Jackson were, intelligent. This is clearly a man who wants to be on TV making a mountain out of a mole hill.
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