
Now we know about global warming,, the scientists are on drugs?

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  1. I'm glad to hear you're not a sheep.  If you're doing your own thinking you probably should be looking into alternatives.

  2. So 2 +2 = 5. "The 1,427 respondents -- most of them in the United States -- completed an informal, on-line survey posted on the "Nature Network" Web forum, a discussion site for scientists operated by the Nature Publishing Group."

    This survey is not valid. It is not representative of the general population of scientists in or out of the US. It was answered only by people using this particular forum. Your talking approximately 285 scientists  out of how many scientists in the US and worldwide?

    Most of the scientists who admitted using prescription drugs to enhance performance were in the US. Note the number of scientists outside of the US who are working on global warming issues.  

    The most important point might be that the article doesn't say that the scientists using these drugs are NOT taking them for legitimate reasons.....such as Ritalin for ADHD. If a scientist is diagnosed with ADHD and they take Ritalin for it they are one of the approximately 285 scientists who use performance enhancing drugs as defined by the very loose parameters of this article. The working definitions for this supposed study appear to be nonexistent.

    This article is not scientifically valid and it has nothing to do with global warming. We don't know if these scientists are psychologists, biologists, astronomers, etc.

    You have no point.

  3. the  earth has gone through warming and cooling cycles since it came into existence.i think man-kinds contribution to it isn't near as important as some believe,not all scientists think so either.when the last ice age ended there were no suvs'cars'factorys'etc,so how did the ice sheets melt?

  4. William Gray, the well-known Colorado State University hurricane forecaster, routinely uses the annual National Hurricane Conference as a platform to bash global warming. In a statement to Florida Today, Gray argued that the scientific consensus on global warming is bogus — and "a mild form of McCarthyism has developed toward those scientists who do not agree" that mankind is in danger.

    "We are also brainwashing our children on the warming topic. We have no better example than Al Gore's alarmists and inaccurate movie which is being shown in our schools and being hawked by warming activists with little or no meteorological-climate background," Gray wrote.

    Some scientists believe global warming will actually decrease — not increase — the number of hurricanes that form over the Atlantic Ocean each year. Last Friday, in the final session of the hurricane conference, a pair of climate experts said rising sea-surface temperatures in and near the Caribbean could strengthen vertical wind shear. Robust wind shear is the bane of hurricanes, as it tends to tear apart cyclones during their formative stages.

    "If (global warming) were to happen, that is an effect which should be more hostile to hurricane building," said Thomas Knutson, research meteorologist with the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J.

    Knutson and Chris Landsea, science and operations officer with the National Hurricane Center in Miami, said historic observation data and computer models debunk doomsday scenarios that foresee armadas of deadly hurricanes, slamming into the Southeast. "Any (hurricane) trend we're seeing due to global warming — and I do agree global warming's real, and manmade causes contribute to it — really has very limited impact, very tiny changes," Landsea said.

    Both scientists referred to the global warming studies of ocean climatologist Kerry Emanuel of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Emanuel noted that from 1972-2004, Atlantic surface temperatures and hurricane intensity were closely linked.

  5. Even if this were true, which I doubt, the drugs mentioned are used to improve thought processes, if it were cocaine or ice you might have a point, beyond the usual denier clutching at straws.

    "I dont follow blindly, I think."

    You don't follow blindly, but your not sure.?

  6. that explains a lot doesn't it . they seemed  more reasonable back when they just used coffee & tobacco to keep going.

    caffeine & nicotine gave us the atom bomb & put us on the moon. now all we get are wild theorys & pointless arguments.

  7. Global warming is a natural phase of Earth, we human don't have to bother about it. Some of the environmentalist says that this is because of the CO2 we are emitting into the environment, but the reality is that we are just contributing towards 1% to 10% of actual global warming.

    If the actual cause of Global Warming is CO2 emitted by the humans then why Global Warming occures on other planets. Just Google for "Global Warming on other planets" and see the results, there are no humans on other planets.

    So, next time whenever somebody says you about global warming, just ignore it.

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