
Now we know the real reason dems hate Palin, what do you think?

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In fact I already was impressed greatly even before that, after she resigned a good position (Alaska Gas and Oil Regulatory Commission) because a fellow Commission member (Chair of the Alaska Republican Party) misused his office and position. He was using the fax, computers, printing room and all to promote the Republican endeavors while in a state job. That is a huge no-no in any government employment position.

She resigned and made her point, and within weeks Randy Ruderich (the above bad guy) found his butt out on the street and a subsequent investigation found him guilty and he was fined $12,000. Small change actually but a giant point was made.

Next she went after our most horrible Governor ever, Governor Murkowski, and damned if she didn't beat him! All of us here in Alaska, except the Democrats, are sick of our state's corruption. That fact was shouted to the heavens after she was elected with an overwhelming point spread.

After she got into office she started going after corrupt legislators, and with the FBI's help we've put four of them in prison, indicted six more and the "Corrupt b*****d's Club" as they arrogantly called themselves (even had hats made with CBC on the front!) suddenly found it no fun anymore.




  1. Mrs. Palin may have done all of those things listed above, but...

    She was also a director for a 527 pac for Sen. Ted Stevens from 2003-2005,(something that Senator McCain has said must be done away with, the 527's) and in return was given his endorsement.

    Was not against earmarks all together:

    Was for the 'Bridge to No Where" before she came out against it because she could not longer fund it....

    Stances on Enviornment and Wildlife (in Alaska):

    Under investigation for abuse of power:

    Her religious background/church not as was stated:

    Drug Use (as seems true of all politicians)

    I'm an Independent....and am not trying to be antagonistic. I would have liked to have gotten to know something about Mrs. Palin other than the opposite of everything she spoke to in her first speech.

    I'm sure she's done many good's hard to know though, when every day there is multiple new things coming out in the media that go against what she spoke to, or what was spoken of her.

    As to the subject of her daughter, Mrs. Palin brought that on her daughter by accepting the position. She appears to be an intelligent woman, and surely knew that her entire family would be in the spotlight.

    Senator McCain knew that as well the day before he made his decision. I'm seriously questioning that decision now, especially is this area....He wouldn't want his daughter to be scrutinized in such a way, so the hypocrisy on his part to demand privacy for Mrs. Palin's daughter,  to then turn around the next day and have Mrs. Palin's soon to be son in law brought to St. Paul to join the family at the convention....well that speaks to something too...

    I don't live in Alaska, so I don't know all the positive things she has done, and I'm sure there are many. She's not the crystal clean individual she was presented to be however, and I think that's where people's concerns are coming from.....

    The fact that Senator McCain's campaign did not really vet her until the day before he made his decision, also speaks to something else entirely which has nothing to do with Mrs. Palin per say, but certainly is affecting her and her family.....

    I don't think it's fair to her daughter or healthy for her to be under this limelight. One would think that others would not wish to bring such stress to a young person or their family, so it seems reasonable to question why they did....

    It's very sad on many levels....I'm interested in hearing Mrs. Palin speak at the convention, but am questioning the motives of Senator McCain and his campaign now. It would be horribly cruel if the Palin family were torn in any way due to all the public scrutiny they will be put under....

  2. She is Wonder Woman in modest clothing and those with their hands in the pot are quaking in their boots.

  3. Why are they pretending she is is against government earmarks when as mayor of Wasalia she hired the city's first lobbying firm and won $27 million in congressional earmarks for a town of 7,000 people? Why did they lie about her opposing the "bridge to nowhere" when she supported it?

    Why are they making up qualifications for her, such as "Alaska is near Russia so she is a foreign policy expert". You live in Alaska - why don't we make you the Secretary of State!

    Yes she got rid of some corrupt politicians but she seems to fire a lot of people she had no business going after, too.

    She is a religious extremist who wants religion taught in public schools, is opposed to environmental regulation and is anti-science.

    Those are all good reasons to reject her as being someone who should lead this country.

  4. I like her better than Hillary  

  5. The media has exposed Palin, not the democrats.  Furthermore, Palin has a baby with special needs and a teenaged pregnant daughter at home.  The woman needs to put her children first and I will help her do that, by not voting for the McCain ticket!

  6. The Democrats only like women who are butch abortion activists.

  7. I think she's perfect for the republican party.  She's pro life, pro be honest, I like her a bit more than McCain.  :)

  8. Ahhhh WRONG! She's a scandalous sneaky stripper who neglects her family.

    Ew. I hate snakes and she's the slimiest one of all.

  9. Yes, I agree with everything you wrote above!

    Also, there is another reason the liberals/democrats hate her,, is

    because she is a strong conservative female who is a wife , mother

    with a job who is pro-life. In other words , a true feminist. This kills

    the dems! They hate it because their definition of a feminist is completly different. They value only leftist pro choice females who

    are either married and can do it all or single women who don't value


  10. I think you have to an abortionist, a L*****n, and liberal to win the support of a feminist group. They support a strong conservative woman. It scares them, she is doing what they only dream of doing without turning into a man.

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