
Now what do i do?i can't do anything!or so it seems...

by  |  earlier

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i got a rat but she doesn't like being fact i try to get someone to distract her while i pick her up but it don't work.i always grab her too tight or don't grab her tight enough!now her cage stinks and its an embarrassment!my friends are gonna come over tomorrow! how do i clean her cage?i don't like to disappoint her!help!




  1. dont grab her by the tail or by susprise. when u pick her up SOFTLY pet her and put her in another cage with food. be nice to her! or get a vet to help you

  2. Get a box or another cage to scoot her into while you clean her cage.  The second container doesn't have to be fancy just able to keep her contained until you have her home clean.  Then return her.  Consider calling the store where you got your rat and see if they can help you make your rat more friendly.  I've never owned a rat but I've heard they are very inteligent.  So try getting some hints on training her.  good luck.

  3. It takes time to build trust between rats and humans.

    Take your time with her and check out this site for trust training information

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