
Now what i thought for a long time,- i see now on TV mentioned .""" is OBAMA the new ANTICHRIST"" ?,?

by  |  earlier

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Senator McCain is bringing it up now in a sort of camouflaged way , + also the christian majority .




  1. new? ,who was the old one?

  2. Scare tactics will always get to some people.  I remember when the same thing was said about Gorbachev because he has that birthmark on his head.  Well, Gorbachev is still around and so are we repeating the same nonsense.

  3. why would you say something like that..I dont think.religion should have anything to do with the elections...

    you should come out of your little ignorant bubble and look at the rest of the americans think the US is the centre of the universe....

    why dont you get informed and investigate more....

  4. Yea. He's the anti-christ.

    Man, thats some funny ****. You religious nuts always amuse me.

  5. I don't believe he is the antichrist because the anti-christ is supposed to be a person that everyone admires and follows and I don't see myself admiring that man.

  6. You see now, too much inbreeding is bad.

  7. the anti christ has to be of jewish descent.

  8. Yes. you can tell by his applause.  

  9. The Antichrist is already in the White House. Look what's happened in the U.S. in the last eight years - especially to the Constitution, the attitude of allies toward the war in Iraq, the loss of U.S. prestige in the world, economic meltdown, millions of people losing their homes, Katrina, bald-faced lies Bush has told, torture of prisoners, erosion of civil rights, wiretapping, the list goes on and on. And you worry about Obama?

    This is just another propaganda ploy by the GOP and neocons to frighten you into voting for the republicans again, just like Cheney and Co. did to get Bush reelected.  

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