
Nuclar briefcase. who do you want to carry Nuclear briefcase. 24/7/365/4-years.?

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John McCain

Barak Hussein Obama




  1. OMG! What is it with this question; like it's been written by a 6-year old!

  2. I want it to be tied to Alan Sugar

  3. I'm sure it was McCain who was singing "Nuke, nuke, nuke, nuke Iran -ran, -ran, Nuke Iran..."  back in 1979.  We sure don't need another person using war to inflate his ego, like Bush has, so I'd say,"Give it to Obama."

  4. wtf is the briefcase buck mccain

  5. I sure don't want McCain carrying it!

    Remember his song....

    "Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran"?

    The last thing this country needs is another war monger for a president!

  6. the one without arthritis

  7. I think I would like Barak Obama, I have warlord Bush, John McCain could be next warlord, warlord with Nuclear briefcase? No way!!!!

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