
Nuclear Energy Impacts?

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what are the environmental impacts caused by getting and using Nuclear Energy?




  1. nuclear enery is a good source of power, but overall

    its a terrible solution. it leaves nuclear waste which takes FOREVER to vanish from the environments, and it also sends off radiation (as you know too much radiation can kill and lead to cancer etc) if you want to know alot about environmental problems, look up the chernobyl disaster and see what can happen. or just look up in google


  2. Look at France.

    They have been actively going after nuclear for a long time. Their pollution rates are dramatically lower than other countries that primarily rely on fossil fuels.

    As far as Chernobyl,  technology has advanced a lot since than, an accident like that is very unlikely with modern power plants.

    For the answers who thick solar or wind is the answer...To get the same power output as a single nuke reactor, the solar field would need to be about 20-40 square miles big, and a wind field about 100-150 square miles big.

  3. Nuclear energy emits almost no CO2 or any other pollution like that, so in that respect it's as good as solar or wind.

    However, nuclear waste can be a problem if it's not stored safely and securely.  Technology has improved today so that a disaster like Chernobyl would not happen, but the only problem is that most utilities don't want to pay to completely secure all the nuclear waste.  They figure there's a very small chance that something will spill, or an earthquake will damage the holding facility, so why bother, but it only takes one time!  

    If a utility really wants to build a nuke plant, I think it should be required to securly store all the waste it produces.

  4. Minimal unless there's an accident. Chernobyl is still uninhabitable.

  5. A nuclear plant emits radiation which is dangerous.

    It also gives rise to dangerous waste a solution for which has yet to be found.  So at the moment the waste is simply stored at great cost and emitting radiation.

    The nuclear reactors only last about 20 or 30 years and then need to be decommissioned at which point they become nuclear waste and nobody knows what to do with them.

    The reactors and the piles of waste are a target for terrorists and a catastrophic accident waiting to happen.

    Mining the uranium, transporting it in heavy sealed containers, building the reactors and storing the waste are all operations that emit CO2 which causes global warming.  So while nuclear power seems cleaner than the burning of fossil fuels it is nowhere near as clean as the proponents make out.  Nor is it cheap.

    Finally uranium is just another fossil fuel that will run short and become ever more expensive if it gets used for fuel.  We need to reduce energy use and convert to non-fossil sources such as wind, wave, tide, hydro and solar.  Nuclear is not the answer.

  6. almost same with atomic bomb

    see the effects of the bombing in Japan, that's the same effect that will happen if a nuclear energy exploded.

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