
Nuclear Power. Are you for or against?

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Nuclear Power. Are you for or against?




  1. Against it wholeheartedly.

  2. against

  3. Against, the radioactive waste will be dangerous for thousands of years.

  4. against. but can we do without it? people are wasting so many resources that there will come time when major part of society won't see any alternatives.

    against again. Did you hear about EU's warning (something gone wrong in Slovenian atom reactor..)?

    When **** happens, it will happen to all of us and no one will be able to avoid it. (pardon my french)

  5. I for it .... as long as its not in my Taco Bell food order.

  6. Unfortunately, nuclear power is the only large scale proven energy resource that does not emit carbon...  so the answer is not a definite yes or no..

    but if you really want a straight answer:  I say for it in the short term  -- until alternatives can be developed to supply our energy needs.

  7. Against all the way. Don't want to know about it or have anything to do with them. I also HATE the fact that NSW is building a desalination plant.

  8. I'm for it.  

    I'm not influenced by Hollywood, we need to go nuclear.  If we have enough nuclear power, we could sell off some of it and create real jobs.  Spent fuel rods?  Some countries reuse them, instead our stupid policy based on superstition to bury them.  

    The burial pits cost money to build and maintain, but maybe that's why their there, to siphon off more money from the American public.  Sounds like the Nuclear Energy Commission has Al Gore beat on the carbon tax, just dig a deep hole and charge more for storage of perfectly usable resources.

  9. i am all about self-sustaining natural resources, such as windmills,solar panels and water wheels, so i'm gonna hafta say my answer would be "Against".

  10. actually against, but there is no other choice i think. we can use geothermal, solar panel, water, windmill, etc. but it will need a lot of just to supply one small town. if only we can turn water into gas or kerosene, we don't need to use this one. sadly, but  nothing lasts forever. with half heart agree, i must say for. but if there is other safer alternative comes, such as water or solar panel, i'll choose it.

  11. The problem with Nuclear Power is the misinformation that is out there and the unaware people who let fear cause them to believe what they see in movies.

    Nuclear power is very safe.  There have been a couple of accidents...the only one that was bad was chernobyl.  We have learned much from the mistakes of others.  

    There is natural radiation sources that EVERYONE is exposed to that do NOT come from nuclear power plants.  Most exposure from nuc plants is LESS than the natural exposure everyone gets.

    What little waste that does get buried may take a long time to decay away, so does plastic, and many other items that get thrown away every day in much larger quantities than nuc plants produce.

    The chemistry specs and operating limits that are impressed upon nuc plants are far above anything else in the world.  The plants are extremely safe and capable of staying that way.

    I do wish people would get more training on nuclear power from reputable peace is not one of them!

    I am for Nuclear Power.

    I work at a nuclear plant.

    I have worked at nuclear plants for 20 years.

    I am healthier than most people my age.

    I have no "side effects" from my job.

    I even live within 16 miles from the plant I work at.

  12. I will go for geothermal plant but not nuclear

  13. I cannot support the nuclear program as is, primarily because of disposal issues and the vulnerability it presents in a world where terrorism rears its ugly head when you least expect it.

    But I think efforts to implement a viable program using nuclear fusion might be an excellent way to do do business.

  14. I'm against!!!! Nuclear Power is soooooo dangerous for many people who lived near it.

  15. I'm really against it.. Though it has it's pro's, it also has a lot of cons... Why do we have to use nuclear power when we have a lot of alternatives that are definitely safer?

  16. I am for a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

    Nuclear energy is the least polluting of all non-renewables.

    So my answer would be: For.

    Edit: in reply to the poster above who is scaremongering:

    A Europe-wide radiation alert has been issued after a water leak at a nuclear reactor in Slovenia forced an emergency shutdown.

    Slovenia began shutting down its only nuclear power plant in Krsko yesterday afternoon, after it detected a leak in the cooling system. Authorities said the leak did not pose any danger for people or the environment.

    In Brussels, the European Commission issued an EU-wide radiation alert following the incident

    "A loss of coolant has occurred in the primary cooling system of the Krsko nuclear power plant," in Slovenia's southwest, the commission said in a statement. "The nuclear power plant is proceeding to the safe shutdown procedure."

  17. Considering the end of the crude oil supply we have no alternative

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    When the oil is gone it is gone for good and the coal power plants will no longer be able to get coal because all the oil is gone

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    Yes it may seem scary to have a nuclear  reactor near your home town but we all get a little radiation when we go see the doctor and get an X ray

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    And with computer technology today the safety installed in the modern nuclear power plants is science fiction stuff now

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    Only the spent fuel rods are a little problem but that will be taken care of because they are now

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    Seeing how they can re process the old spent rods into a new reusable rod with almost no rods to have to worry of where to put them for the next 200 years

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    Times change and so will the fear of nuclear energy

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