
Nuclear Power versus Dependency on Foreign Oil?

by Guest64203  |  earlier

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I'm a proponent of nuclear power. However when other proponents state that we need nuclear power to reduce our dependancy on foreign oil I have to question this reasoning by asking "how will nuclear power reduce dependancy on foreign oil?".

Since nuclear power is for the production of electricity, the question is: With the exception of Natural Gas from Canada, how much of the US electrical power generation is produced from foreign fuel sources - oil or other?




  1. Very little.. Oil is used for fuel mostly.

  2. we import coal, oil and natural gas.

    here are a couple of the sources.

    much of the oil we import comes from Venezuela.  

    we import clean coal from Indonesia.

    oil is used for heating in New England.  if electricity was cheaper, it would be used instead of oil.

    there are already cars that plug-in and charge their batteries.

    clearly energy generation is one of the smaller users.

    but even "smaller" is relative, and it's quite a lot.

    attached is a chart of oil use in the USA.

  3. If I understand correctly, a fair amount of US nuclear power comes from imported Russian weapons-grade uranium.

    The 2006 breakdown of energy supplies (domestic or imported), exports and usage sectors is at the link.  It's not very detailed (and, having dug into some of the details for several years now, you won't find a whole lot more illumination).

    However, your original thesis is correct:  adding nuclear power will have little or no influence on oil imports, because only about 3% of US electricity is generated from oil (and much of that is probably in Hawaii).  Electricity in the USA is almost entirely generated from N. American energy supplies.

  4. I know that your question is not addressing this directly but it's something to ponder.

    Back during the first Gulf War, it was stated by one of the oil reps that America is more than able to make up for "any" lost oil because of Iraq.  However, he went on to say, until gas prices hit at least $5 a gallon, they have no intentions of pumping it.  It was on CNN.

    Up Date:

    linlyons, are you sure about the importing coal comment?

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