
Nuclear Powered Cars is this Possible in the future or just a fantasy which would never occur?

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Was just wondering if that to stop the high dependencies on Oil, nuclear powered vehicles would be a perfect option




  1. It's certainly possible, and just reading the specs it's certainly much longer ranged. 5000 miles supposedly on one "charge". Certainly Nuclear plants are a large part of solving our fossil fuel emissions, but it would be interesting if Nuclear cars could play a part as well.

  2. Probably not practicle because of the weight of the sheilding required.

  3. Not feasible at all.  We see car accidents happen all the time.  What happens when each car accident results in a radioactive emergency?  You'd have to quarantine an entire area when an accident occurs.  You would have to decontaminate it.  

    There's no way it would work.

  4. Only a fantasy. This would provide nuclear material for terrorists to make havoc. No rational government would approve this type of security threat.

  5. I don't think cars on a widespread use will ever be powered themselves by nuclear energy. But as it is electric vehicles getting there energy from a nuclear power plant aren't dependent on oil for fuel.

  6. Indirectly it is feasible NOW!

    We finally have better batteries for electric cars. The problem is we cant generate enough electricity to charge all the batteries.

    A crash program to build nuclear power plants must be started NOW!

    Then we can charge those batteries and have pollution-free automobiles.

  7. Highly unlikely, cars are too small.  There was a commercial cargo ship back in the early 60's, but I am not aware of any other non-military vehicles, which are nuclear powered.

  8. Why bother with something that could petentially blow up the town when biodiesel is availible, cheap and clean?

  9. It is possible, but it is about as far from 'conventional' as you can get.  You typically need approximately 10' of earth or concrete to adequately shield against gamma radiation.  I am not sure how many lead blankets would be required to provide equivalent shielding, but I am not going to concern myself with this.  Nuclear cars will never happen.

  10. As someone already said, there are too many car crashes for that to be worth a try.  I vote for driverless electric trains.

  11. no there would be more nuclear waste than ever and we would all get Cancer

  12. Never happen, not even airplanes safe enough for nuclear,last small engine that kind,herd got leaded and concreted over. 20+ years ago.

  13. Hydrogen or electricity is the way to go.  In fact both technologies are set in place as we speak.  One of the two will be the new solution.  Recycled oil is to bulky to to be the new savior. Nuclear powered cars is more of a fantasy, too many complications come with that thought.

  14. not likely.

    consider a multi car pile up on the freeway.

    do you want to be the one who goes to clean up the mess?

    alternatively, radiation shielding is rather heavy.

    there would need to be large strides in that area.

    personally, i think the advancement will come in light cars.

    really light.

    and roads where trucks are not allowed.

    as for energy, hydrogen is likely.

    really light, high energy content.

    no pollution - no recycling.

  15. its possible but stupid.unless you want to sit 2 feet from an mini reactor,dirty bomb on wheels,radioactive waste,and more things to keep in mind. it has to be in constint maintain or... there are nuclear powerd subs soo.

  16. Yeah, perfect until you get in an accident and start spreading radioactive byproducts all over the environment! Egad! I can't thnk of a more dangerous use for nuclear power!

    Of course, nuclear power for electricity would be somewhat safer, and could power an electric car...

    btw, hydrogen and electricity are both secondary sources. It TAKES energy to make both H2 and electricity. We need to focus on ways of doing that, whether it's wind, solar, wave, geothermal, or whatever.

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