
Nuclear weapons and India's future - need a matter for 4 minutes speech

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Nuclear weapons and India's future - need a matter for 4 minutes speech




  1. Nuclear weapons are wonderful. They are always there to use if another nation uses them on you. It's not nice being being destroyed by a nuclear bomb except for the fact you get to do the same to them. You don't want to run out in the middle of such a battle so more nuclear warheads are better than none. I guess it could always happen between India and Pakistan, but there is more friendship there than they are letting on. So one has to wonder who the likely opponent would be. China would be a good guess, but any number of scenarios could happen.

  2. India's nuclear weapons program was developed to realize one of the principal goals of the Indian nation, which is to wipe every last Moslem off the earth, especially the Pakistani ones.  Why?  Well, because.  You'd have to be Indian to understand it, but they must be killed, all of them.  It's part of our culture.  

    Pakistan's nuclear program was developed for precisely the same reason, only it's to kill off every Hindu.  You'd have to be Pakistani to understand, but it's a worthy national goal.  

    And that's what you guys look like to the rest of the world.  Good luck.  Your mutual future may be very short.  

  3. India is a responsible country unlike pakistan. it has always been the policy our country not to be the transgressor(i.e. the aggressor).

    This fact is sufficiently corroborated by the 4 battles b/w india and pak (including the Kashmir battle yr. 1948 & kargil 1999).

                                      Possessing Nuclear weapons serves as a detterent to any aggression by our hostile neighbourers, especially china and Pak. Have u heard about the special secret missile programs of china against India? It was shown in a television news report.    

                                      We have to defend our nation and at the same time show the world that we are  a responsible nation.    

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