
Nude swimming-any disadvantages?

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In the centre of Helsinki the public pool is naked, alternating men s/women's days. It felt good and I did not have to dry clothes afterwards. There were nice normal people there.

In the sea it is the same.

The only exception was when I went to a club in London, very few people were swimming and there were loads of rules about how to behave as if people were going to abuse it.

However, in Amsterdam on Sunday night there is a nude session in the public pool, which attracted some nice people.

I now think there should be a lot more of it around




  1. ewww this is gross! nude swimmings disgusting....

  2. Yes, the embarrassment of seeing you without a full dive suit to cover you up, how's that for a disadvantage


  4. Sorry I have to disagree.  I'm not against nude swimming per se, but there is a health and safety issue here.  First of all, in a general pool they pump enough chemicals in there to sterilise the water so much so that you do one length and you've changed s*x!  There is enough detritus being put into the water including urine, faeces, sweat, oil, skin cells, and in some minging people parasites (less said about that one the better)  Can you imagine what would be coming off a completely naked body - pubic hair for one which is conveniently covered up with a bathing suit.  The health risks outweigh the advantages.

  5. when your balls are flapping around its hard to sprint

  6. Swimming naked is just awesome. The only disadvantage is going to be based on where you do it. Don't ever try it at Sea World with the Dolphins. NO ONE thinks it's clever or funny. Or that's what the police told me anyway.

  7. the more naked the better. it gives me something for my sights to be set on. any nude g*y beaches around. love to see those naked ones. i love a man with nothing on that is hairless, tan and athletically built. it causes my manhood to arise to the  occassion

  8. No.

  9. You're looking at this the wrong way, The British has a completely different culture and way of lay that to the europe mainland. Now i don't see any disadvantages, unless you shy about your body and cover up. but thats up to you but i see it down just to the country your in, some allow it some don't.

  10. Would be nice to allow peoples free will like that.

  11. One disadvantage of nude swimming for men would be in rivers or lakes with aggressive fish,.

  12. You would get alot of drag if you swam naked, especially if you were competing, it would be even worse if there were some pretty ladies in the pool, that would create more drag and possibly an anchor !

  13. only if you have a not-very-fit body,or a small c***(for a guy) or small t***(for a girl);otherwise,no disadvantages whatsoever.espeially when you go to get dried off/changed -if you see what I mean!!I wish my local pools had nude swimming sessions for adults - if only once a week......

  14. It doesn't sound like you're wondering about hydrodynamics, but the male body is appreciably slower swimming nude while the female's is somewhat faster, cool huh?  There's a disadvantage.

    Besides that, I would be cool with nude swimming.  The only rules I would have would be no s*x in the pool.

  15. no real disadvantages except when it is a woman's time of the month.  Generally nude swimming is healtier but I do not support separate male and female swiming days

  16. I like it but in the water....well you know what happends to guys, shrinkige!

  17. The only disadvantage is that you would have to screen out the pervsa who think being naked equals wanting s*x. Sad though they are, identifiable they are too, they would have to be given a chance to behave. Then if they do not, they will be shot.

    There are times for nude and times for not nude. There should be more mainstream nude swimming again, as there was in the early 20th century.

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