
Nuetered male cat trys to make with nuetered female?

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we have a cat named rascal and i'd say he's 8 or 9. well about a year ago we got a tortise shelled kitten after our other one passed away. her name is snickers and shes 1 year old. rascal never trys to mate with the other cats and he is nuetered and so is everyone else. rascal(m) and snickers(female) have always been close buds they would sleep on the couch together, clean eachother and always playful. but for the last 2 weeks about 3 times a night id hear them running around and snickers would make a noise like she was scared and something was biting her and i turned on the light to see rascal try to reproduce with snickers. i yelled RASCAL and he ran. hes kind of like a pedifile haha. i need him to stop, why is he doing this?! will he ever stop?




  1. Well if you snip off your husbands testicals does that keep him from wanting some?  What happened was he was probably laying there one day and she brushed up against him.  My cats do it, it wont hurt her but its going to happen, dont let him just take her though, if you feel like hes getting to rough pick her up and carry her off.  They are going to do it though, so you might as well teach him not to be so rough.  They wont make anything but they will still do the dirty deed.

  2. well I've seen it happen before...

    I have a male cat who's about 5 or 6 and neutered and he does that same thing to our female cat who's spayed..

    he only does it to her and it gets quite annoying because he'll chase her around at night and stuff...

    idk if there's anything you can do..

    we always just try yelling at him everytime he does it lol

    but I'm sure it's normal, probably just their animal instincts kicking in?

    I know it's annoying but I wouldn't worry... unless he's seriously hurting her... then I guess ask your vet :)

  3. Ha ha well i dont know why other then just nature, but I wouldnt worry about it. As long as tehy are both fixed nothing can happen, and if snickers is upset then you can just yell at rascal to stop. Just don't let him beat up on her. As for them running around at night its no big deal my male cats do that. Just make sure he doesnt hurt and bite the other one. Good luck!

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