
Nuisance Bird Issue?

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A bird which has set up perch in the tree just outside my window can not tell night from day. Between the hours of 11 pm to the morning this bird is constantly chirping an elaborate song. I like to sleep with my window open, but the noise this feathered friend makes is becoming a problem and keeping me up. Don't they need to sleep? I'm surprised its even able to function the next day. This bird leaves only for the winter, but is back for every spring and summer - for the last 3 years. I wish it would go elsewhere. Does anyone have any advice as to how to shut this thing up or otherwise get rid of it? I am considering purchasing a bb gun. My rationale is that if its a genetic predisposition I'd be doing nature a favor.




  1. It found a favorite spot, you must make this spot less desirable.  If it is usually on a certain branch, make that branch less comfortable. A sticky substance like tangle-foot(available at nurseries) or a slippery substance like oil(use vegetable).  Remove the branch(if it will not just move to  another).  Get one of the bird deter tools.  (owl statue, flashy tape etc at nursery).  Get a large kids squirt gun and plan on squirting it every time it starts singing.

  2. You are going to have to negotiate with this bird.  Why would you want to get rid of it because of its nocturnal song?  Most people would appreciate nature's songs.  

    It sounds like a nightingale or mockingbird, but I also remember those loud whip-o-wills that would keep campgrounds awake at night with their loud cacophony.

    Try scaring it off with loud songs at night, or getting rid of its nest...both which are temporary measures as this bird seems to want to take over the perch.

  3. Leave the bird alone.  It is you that has the problem not the bird.  You need a change of attitude.  All songbirds are protect by laws.  If I was your neighbor and saw you shoot a bird, I'd have you arrested.  You are lucky, many people would love to be able to hear a bird singing.

    Leave the wild to the wild.

  4. It is most likely a Mockingbird..they are notorious night singers.  It is most likely there year round, but does not sing when not in the breeding season.  They sing to protect territory and to attract a mate.  This behavior should stop soon as breeding season is coming to a close.  You cannot harm this bird in any way as all wild native birds are protected by law and you can be fined or jailed for harming or killing a bird.  All you can do besides stopping nature is to drown out the noise with earplugs, a white noise machine, fan, etc.  Just be thankful that the only thing keeping you up nights is birdsong..and not loud music, screaming neighbors or gunfire.

  5. It's a mockingbird. It's singing to mark its territory and attract females.  They are loud!

    Shooting them or harassing them is illegal, because they are migratory songbirds.

    Cut down the tree? Wear earplugs?

  6. Why do people "always" think the answer to an animal problem is to "kill it" ??  How are we, as humans, EVER going to learn to live with the wildlife on this planet IF we can't find other ways to solve these types of situations?

    The answer is clear, and easy, and WITHOUT doing any harm to the poor bird.  Get yourself one of those "Owl" decoys.  You can buy inflatable ones that are reasonably cheap.  Put it on the perch the bird uses, and that bird will leave for good.  If  you can't reach that perch, put it nearby, but be sure to put the Owl "higher" than the perch the bird uses.

    There ARE species of birds that sing all night, or hunt all night, and sleep during the day.  Nature balances itself extremely well if we will just LEAVE IT ALONE.
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