
Nuisance phone calls becoming more frequent?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently being called by a phone number, and the calls are becoming more frequent. When the call is answered it immediately cuts off. The number is 0114 2495316.

Is anyone else experiencing this, and is there a way to prevent it?




  1. Contact your phone company as they may be able to block the number.

  2. For what it's worth the number originates in Sheffield.

    Have you tried calling the number; I think I would.

    Anyway, why don't you get yourself an answerphone; I never pick up unless I know who is on the other end of the line.

  3. Are u UK based?  If so I used to get similar calls to my landline as well as call centres calling constantly to sell me stuff.  I contacted my phone provider (BT) and they set up something called BT privacy - it means u cannot be contacted by call centres etc. - Check it out,  I'm sure ur provider can offer summit similar and its worked perfect for me :) ...

  4. is it at the same time every time? if so its either ur tariff company testing their numbers which they do for every company, or its sum1 tryna flog u sumfin

  5. Get on to TPS register with them.The calls you are receiving are telemarketing companies.TPS will sort them out FREE

  6. I bet you've got a mobile with Orange.  It's the Orange customer service departmet.

  7. you can register for caller preference service for free and it should stop uk based or uk companies cold calling you. it takes about a month to start but does work for most. (google it and sign up its free on internet).

      this means that anyone phoneing you selling must ask your permission so your bank building society may write to you asking permission ( thats what happened to me ).

    however this may not be the case with this call, if you think it may be a nuisance call rather than a sales call you should speak to your telephone service provider BT or whoever it is and they will advice you.

    incidently i googled 0114 and its a sheffield phone code.

    hope it helps

  8. maybe u shud go ex directory or maybe report these annoying calls i kno i wud,have u tried calin this number back

    def report it

  9. its a company frauding orange...becareful wht u tell them if you get chance to tell them anything... there are alot of forums abou these nuisance calls if you google it !

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