
Numb testicles, no pleasure in s*x, no feeling at all?

by  |  earlier

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Ive had this problem for a few months now, prior to losing all sensitivity from head of p***s to testicles, I had pain under my p***s (just before the glans/head) everytime my p***s was erect.

I thought i had damaged my p***s (nerves) so i stopped masturbating for a week or so which resolved the problem, but i have lost all sensitivty on my p***s glans/head.

I also no longer feel much in my testicles (both).

Basically i have lost all the pleasures of having s*x.

I have no problem getting erect but the feeling is no longer there!!

someone please help




  1. see a docyor  maybe get it snipped

  2. I agree.  This sounds like some nerve damage.  Go to a doc.  It's a must.  Urologist.

  3. You need to go to a specialist Doctor (a urologist) to get yourself checked out.  This is not a normal situation.  Don't be afraid to discuss it with a Doctor -- they hear all sorts of problems and that's their job.

    I don't think the problem was caused by masturbating unless you used a really strong chemical lotion to assist you in doing so.  If you did, you will need to level with the Doctor and tell him.

  4. This sounds weird to me because the main nerve trunk in the p***s doesnt run under the head of the p*** I am at a loss as to how the pain is related to the anesthesia (lack of feeling) in your p***s.

    I would also question why the h**l you would not be running to your nearest neurologist with this instead of listening to a bunch of squirrels like us here.....

  5. well, like they say, No ba*ls, no glory.

  6. The lack of sensitivity in the p***s could be a result of damage from circumcision---male genital mutilation always damages the p***s and sensitivity, amputating nerve endings along with the f******n and permanently damaging many of the remaining ones.

    I can't imagine what the loss of sensitivity in the s*****m is caused by, or even if it is related..

    The pain under your p***s everytime it was erect sounds exactly like circumcision damage, as the skin is so tight as to be painful, and the amputation of the frenulum would have made it tight, where penile sensitivity is greatest.

  7. go see a doctor your could have  twisted the cords behind the testicles; don't recall this condition but you should really go get checked since this condition could mean that your testicles have choked--dead testicles but since you are still able to get erect it could be something else.  


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