
Number Wrong to Score 800 on SAT Math...?

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I've heard that you can get one or two quesitons wrong and still get an 800 on the SAT from some people, but from others, I heard that to get an 800, you can get 0 wrong.

It's frustrating as **** because i have gotten one question wrong on the past four practice sat math sections using the collegeboard book...

I know it's good and all but since I am so close, I'd like to feel more confidant that i'm in a position to get an 800.

Do you have any tips to help me get from a 770/90 to 800?

(Only two of the questions that I got wrong I did not actually know whereas the others I figured out right away)




  1. Um...if you mean the math section of the SAT reasoning test...then yes you do have to get all the questions right to score a 800. If you're talking about the subject area tests, then that's something else completely. You need to get all answer correct to score a 800 on the subject area math level I test. You can miss around four or five points and still get a 800 on the subject are math level II test.

    Advice: tips and shortcuts (which you can find in prep books, especially the princeton review) only help if you pratice them.

  2. i know its really frustrating how one wrong answer can drop your score that much.

    i would read the questions more carefully because SAT tries to trick you with the wording a lot

    and also to practice more and get more familiar with what "shortcuts" you can use. i found that SAT math has a pattern to many of the problems.

    if you are missing only one

    it shows that you are CAPABLE of scoring an 800; so it is not a matter of learning math concepts but rather not falling into one of SAT's trapholes.

    i am sure when you take the REAL test, you will feel more cautious. at least that was how it was for me.

    because i was confident that i knew ALL the math concepts but it was matter of being cautious or not.

    best of luck (:

  3. For most SAT reasoning tests, you have to not miss ANY math questions to get a perfect score. I've heard maybe one test in the past two years that you can miss one and still get a perfect. The fact is, the math section is generally 'the easier' section for most high school students that, yes, a lot of people do make perfect scores.

    Hope this helps.

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