
Numbness of limbs and chest pains?

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Hey I am 18 and recently in the last 10 months have had this problem with my numbness in my limbs.

When I go to sleep at night 1/2 the time I get a numb limb. When I mean a numb limb... I mean I wake up with it either in pins and needles or completely dead. It's a right hassle because it disrupts my sleep massively. I have to get up and walk around if its my leg or sit up in bed and lay my arm down.

Also in the last 4 months I have noticed I get chest pains. I do work out quite a bit at the gym and so I have strained my chest a bit I am sure... However I get this chest pain in both sides and sometimes I get it when im doing only a light exercise as walking, which I doubt could disturb the muscle tissue.

I would say I am urinating alot more recently than I used to... although this could be due to a larger intake of fluids as I do drink alot more coffee (a diuretic) and water nowadays.

Please help.




  1. These sound like individualized problems.Chest pain, increased urination and numb limbs are not common groupings.

    A detailed physical exam checking reflexes (and in a moderate case, bloodwork should be ordered). In addition, follow-ups q's such as drug and alcohol use should be brought forth.

    Try not to take offense if a doc attributes your symptoms as psychosomatic or anxiety or restless legs. They see many symptoms like this a day, and pts often want a cure-all. The fact is, being 18, chances are this chronic problem for you will diminish on its own or you will have to live with it until it becomes bad enough to see a specialist.

    Good luck.

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