
Numerologist/psychic right with all my friends, but not me?

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I went to a numerologist/psychic in my town who is known to be really, really good. She's on the radio once a week and it takes months to even get an appointment with her. I am very skeptical of "psychics" and only went to her after I saw how accurate she was with a few friends. The first time I went she knew my father had passed (and I never told her) she even mentioned his middle name while we were talking about him. Everything she told me regarding my life and even the names of people around me was correct. However, when it comes to the "future" stuff with me, nothing ever pans out. When I give her someone elses birthday she can tell me everything thing about them in detail. Ex. I gave her my best friends b-day and she told me that she was depressed because she was single and would marry a guy ten years older with two children.....and she did!!!! Everyone I know who has seen her has been amazed with the results!! Except me, why has everyone elses stuff been correct except mine?




  1. its called free will. If she predicts something and u either don't believe it or don't let it happen then free will is what falls into play, U are in charge of ur own destiny.

  2. First of all, numerology is just mathematical masturbation mixed with astrology.  Secondly, you can choose to believe in psychic abilities all you want, but if this supposedly good psychic yields no results, then why do you believe?  It seems like you want her to have these abilities, but the proof is in the pudding, right?

    These days it becomes easier and easier to get information on people.  I don't know how large of a town you live in, but I am guessing that cold and hot reading, mixed with the information you can get on places like MySpace and Facebook, makes a psychic's job easier and easier.

    EDIT: I think it's funny to see all the psychic apologists on here saying it wasn't the psychic's fault for getting it wrong, but your fault for disregarding the psychic reading.  Give me a break.

  3. You're lucky she didn't tell you anything bad. I assume it was good or you wouldn't be so disappointed that it hasn't happened yet. Did she put a time limit on it? Maybe it's something that will happen later..or maybe you interfered and kept it from happening. Will you tell us what it was?

  4. There were two correct responses.

    Free will and you weren't prepared to hear the truth.

    Try doing some meditation or some grounding sometime. If I hadn't gotten it from the way you asked your question I sure got it psychically, you give the image of a fuzz-ball.

    Even the best will have problems with someone that goes looking for answers and then avoids the very answers they are given.

    Two paths you can take either get serious, do a lot of meditation and grounding exercises, if the future doesn't come to you go see your psychic OR stop seeking and accept destiny. You may even get there faster.

    For  some of us, you can quite literally thank God that we cannot see the future. Consider that as your last option.

  5. Devon

    If she has been telling you the same info it simply means that you are in the same place, so there may not be much else to tell.

    When you went was you relaxed or feeling defensive as this can stop the flow & connection.

    Do you feel that you listened to her & did not like what you heard, if not it may be that it wasn't you time to have guidance that night my darling x


  6. I don't believe in psychics, only people who play very good mind games. As for your friend marrying exactly like the psychic said, this could be influenced just by her prediction. Think about it this way, she was told that she would marry the guy with two children ten years older then her, and when she met the guy she was probably thinking "Oh my god, the prediction came true! This is the guy I'm destined to marry!" then she accepts it as destiny, and ended up marrying the guy. The chances that something like that could happen are very slim, but think about it this way, in just 1 year, many things can happen, think about over the course of tens of years, even more things can happen. What I'm saying is even very improbable things can happen with enough time, and when these things happen, people think the prediction is absolute, and that influences further decisions. And the reason your  predictions haven't come true are because the opportunity hasn't come up yet. Most predictions aren't that specific, and that leads the human mind to think that the prediction has come true, when in reality, it was too vague and the human mind filled in the gaps. But as for very specific things, remember, even improbable things have a chance of happening. Some who claim to be psychics can tell what is on people's mind simply by reading their body language, the way people move their legs, mouth, eyes, head etc. give off clues as to what people are thinking. This would be the best explanation that I can give you for your question.

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