
Numerology, anyone? A question about "master numbers"?

by  |  earlier

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I have been trying to calculate my "number," and although i could call myself a four... i keep wanting to lean towards the number 22 [well, who wouldn't? It's a master number after all!]

Anyways, the general rule is to "break down" the number... and if its at 22, leave it that way. I cannot determine if i break down t he number "2002" by cancelling out the zeros and leaving it at 22, or adding the 2s together to get a four...

Is there a specific way, or should i just determine for myself if i want to take the path of a 22 or a four?




  1. 2 marvelous sites that will help you for free are:  www.numbers (Glynis) and www. hansdecoznumerology.

  2. I'm sorry I am a little confused as to how you came up with 2002.  You should add it as is 2+0+0+2= 4.  

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