
Numerology and name changing?

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My name is Teresa Callaghan, but I'm considering changing it to Teresa Callahan (dropping the silent 'g' in my surname) as I feel it's not particularly lucky. My auntie had exactly the same name- she never married or had children and just didn't have much luck in general.

What are people's opinions on numerology? Could I benefit from a name change?




  1. you cant change it , you born with it, if you change it wont do a d**n thing~ you cant trick karma

  2. Do the numerology and see what the your current name and the new name add up to.  There are a bunch of good books that explain how this works.

    If you decide to change your name, it will take about a year (one sun cycle) for anything to show up.     It may not be exactly what you want, but there will be a shift in your life.

  3. Repent in the name of Jesus Christ and your luck will go up 7 fold.

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