
Nurse Question onlyyy.?

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What pre-requisite classes did you take before going into the nursing program?




  1. If you are looking at an Associates Program, you can count on having to complete all of your required courses before beginning the nursing portion of the program.  This generally includes all math, English, science and general education courses.

    You see, these programs are so inundated with applications that they can only take those who can, essentially, make the grade in all prerequisite courses.  That is why these 2 year programs take about 3 years to complete.

  2. For an associates degree they usually require general biology, general chemistry, anatomy & physiology (all with labs), and sometimes microbiology, nutrition, and developmental psych. Those are the basic pre-reqs. For most schools they do NOT require you to have completed all your general ed courses for the degree like English, history, sociology, etc. before starting the program, but you'd be wise to get them done ahead of time so that once it comes time to do the program you can focus only on the nursing courses.

    If you do a BSN program, you will take all the pre-reqs as well as those general ed courses during your Freshman and Sophomore years, apply to the nursing program your Sophomore year, and start the nursing courses in the Junior year.

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