
Nurse Rankings?

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Can someone please tell me how nurses are ranked and what order they go in please?





  1. Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)

    Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

    Registered Nurse (RN)

    Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP)

    But then each hospital has various ways of ranking their nurses. Where I work you have clinical ladder. So an RN can be anything between a CL 1 - 15.   To be promoted to nurse manager you have to be a minimum of a CL 4.

    All hospitals have ways of ranking their nurses and various formes of heiarchy. It depends on the institutions.

  2. Student

    Senior Student

    Staff Nurse (band 5/6)

    Senior Staff Nurse (band 6...on different tiers)

    Sister (Charge Nurse for men) (band 7)

    Senior Sister (band 8)

    Modern Matron (band 7+)

    Then theres things like Nurse Prescribers, Ward Managers, Nurse Practitioners...and im not to sure where they fit in.  i think thats right!!

  3. Certified Nursing Assistant

    Licensed Practical Nurse

    Registered Nurse

    Nurse Practitioner

    There are different variations to this list. I'm sure it depends where you work, etc.
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