
Nurses; How can u perform Mouth to Mouth resuscitation if a patient is Contageous?

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Will you just give CPR but with No 2 Full breaths?

e.g. the patient has chicken pox, herpes zoster, hepa B, Stomatitis

...or simpLY Bad Breath due to NPO for 3 days???




  1. Bag valve mask!! If you are in a hospital setting a need for CPR without equipment shouldn't be an issue.

  2. I confess in my experience I have never given it a second thought; crossed my fingers and hoped for the best and go full bore. You develop a taste for it after a while  :)

  3. there or mouth covers that are available that allow air to only flow one way, into the patients mouth, but nothing can come thru the other way.  they should be available in all health care facilities.

  4. Use an Ambu bag.  Its also useful if there is a risk that the patient may vomit.

    A bag valve mask (also known as a BVM or Ambu bag) is a hand-held device used to provide ventilation to a patient who is not breathing or who is breathing inadequately. The device is a normal part of a resuscitation kit for trained professional, such as ambulance crew. The BVM is frequently used in hospitals, and is an essential part of a crash cart. The device is used extensively in the operating room to ventilate an anaesthetised patient in the minutes before a mechanical ventilator is attached. The device is self-filling with air, although additional oxygen (O2) can be added.

    Use of the BVM to ventilate a patient is frequently called "bagging" the patient. Bagging is regularly necessary in medical emergencies when the patient's breathing is insufficient (respiratory failure) or has ceased completely (respiratory arrest). The BVM resuscitator is used in order to manually provide mechanical ventilation in preference to mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (either direct or through an adjunct such as a pocket mask.

    The BVM directs the gas inside it via a one-way valve when compressed by a rescuer; the gas is then delivered through a mask and into the patient's trachea, bronchus and into the lungs. In order to be effective, a bag valve mask must deliver between 500 and 800 milliliters of air to the patient's lungs, but if oxygen is provided through the tubing and if the patient's chest rises with each inhalation (indicating that adequate amounts of air are reaching the lungs), 400 to 600 ml may still be adequate. Squeezing the bag once every 5 seconds for an adult or once every 3 seconds for an infant or child provides an adequate respiratory rate (12 respirations per minute in an adult and 20 per minute in a child or infant).

    Professional rescuers are taught to ensure that the mask portion of the BVM is properly sealed around the patient's face (that is, to ensure proper "mask seal"); otherwise, air escapes from the mask and is not pushed into the lungs. In order to maintain this protocol, some protocols use a method of ventilation involving two rescuers: one rescuer to hold the mask to the patient's face with both hands and ensure a mask seal, while the other squeezes the bag. However, as most ambulances have only two members of crew, the other crew member is likely to be doing compressions in the case of CPR, or may be performing other skills such as cannulation. In this case, or if no other options are available, the BVM can also be operated by a single rescuer who holds the mask to the patient's face with one hand, in the anaesthetists grip, and squeezes the bag with the other.

    Hope this helps.

  5. In the field paramedics/nurses that come up on patients us mouth guards that have a one way valve so that if your patient vomits it doesn't come into your mouth.  In the hospital/clinic setting clinicians use a ambu bag that is hooked up to 100% oxygen and breaths are given by squeezing the bag that has a mask attached at the end.

  6. they make mouth guards for such situations. when i was doing my first aid/cpr training they gave us mouth guards!

  7. i'm not a nurse, but are not there "breather bags" available for situations such as this?

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