
Nursing 12 wk old???

by Guest66487  |  earlier

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My son is 12 wks and he wants to nurse constantly. Is this normal? Today for ex my son wanted to stay connected to my b*****s and nurse. Every time I took him off he screamed. Some days are like this and some days he eats normal like every 2 hrs for 30-45 mins. But most of the time he wants to nurse constantly. Any suggestions? I know you're supposed to nurse on demand but I don't think this is what they mean by that




  1. You may feel like you are not producing enough to fully satisfy him, but don't give up.  It sounds like a growth spurt.  They will do this around 10-15 weeks of age sometimes.  Just keep going with it mom and he will soon get over it and you can have your body back for awhile again! lol. Good luck

  2. hes probably pacifying on you they have the need to suck.your breast run out of milk and need to build back up, so after they r empty hes just doin it for comfort. my daughter did the same in the beginning and dr. told me i needed to take controll,it wasnt doin either of us any good.20 mins on each side @ a time then give him a paci,if he need to let your milk build up and he needs to find another way of comforting,you dont want to be like me with scabs on my nipples. but he may just be going through a growth spurt and man they can wear you out they stay hungry for about 24 to36 hours constantly but this isnt that often. i forget the ages that they go through this like 4 days,3 weeks,6 weeks,ect

  3. Will he take a pacifier?  Does he just have the need to suck?

  4. Totally normal and he's perfectly fine...Infants generally feed every 2-4 hours but you are supposed to feed them when they are hungry even if it is more often than you would like. Remember that he is growing an needs all the breast milk he can get. Whatever you do don't substitute milk for water..ever. Talk with your baby's doctor about substituting milk with formula a couple of times a day if nursing is getting to much.

  5. Whatever you baby does is normal for him.  Nursing is very different for every baby, just as eating is for every adult.  More than anything, have confidence in the fact that YOU WILL PRODUCE what your baby needs!  Sometimes he just needs the closeness, sometimes the nutrition and sometimes the suckling.  

    I nursed twins until they were 3 and am now nursing my 18 month old.  Sometimes I have felt like human pacifier and when I needed a break (when they were a bit older than yours is) I would have to limit the nursing for my own sanity.  Other than that, nursing on demand is truly that- whenever the baby wants it, especially at 12 weeks.

  6. Your son is probably using you as a pacifier a lot of times...that is what my son did.  Try offering him a pacifier and see if that works.  

  7. sounds like he is going through a 3 month growth spurt. It should slow down a lot after a week or so.

  8. I don't think there is such a thing as a normal baby - they are all so different.  I have a 4 1/2 month old, and he has always LOVED nursing.    He still sometimes gets upset when we are finished, but if I get out of our "nursing position" to burp him or walk around a bit it seems to help him realize that we are done.  Be confident that you have plenty of milk.  He may be growing so extra sucking will help bring in more milk. Also, if someone else can hold him it might help - sometimes if they smell your milk they want to nurse even if they don't NEED to nurse!  Mine never took a bottle or a paci either, though I tried!  It will get easier as he gets older, so don't give up! Good luck!  

  9. He could be going through a growth spurt, but it sounds more like he's using you as a comfort mechanism.  If you're willing, try giving him a pacifier while holding him as if you were nursing...or, try you're finger.  Typically, he should nurse until he's full or the breast is empty.  If he continues to nurse long after this, especially if he's falling asleep, it's a comfort thing.  Also, pass him off to Dad if possible when you're done nursing.  Kids are really smart and, even with some protest, adapt quickly.  

  10. My 5 weeks old is doing the same thing right now!. She has been awake since 3 pm  and she has been nursing and nursing and nursing and NURSING! is 11:10 pm she still awake and she looks hungry!. CRAZY!!!

    But I read they do this to increase your milk supply as they get older.

    Good luck

  11. Perhaps you are no longer producing enough to make your little one happy...  
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