
Nursing Homes except...

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What age can someone go to Nursing Home? And do they let everyone in or just certain people?




  1. many nursing homes do not have an age limit set at what age a resident can enter. at my facility we have at residents any where from 13, to 18, to 21, to 30. it all just depends on what the resident is going to need help doing. ex.-adls, and feeding. or just basic rehab. either way, most do not have an age limit.

  2. I believe that a person 18 or older may be eligible, accepted onboard, if unable to care for themselves and needing a certain amount of nursing assistance with daily tasks (personal care -- feeding one's self, bathing, dressing, grooming and such) due to having a disability.  (Sadly) some children's long-term care facilities allow children to remain at that facility til age 21.

  3. Private nursing homes make their own rules as to who they will take. Usually 21 or 18.

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