
Nursing???? how old is too old???

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How old is too old to be nursing a child. I have a cousin that has a two year old going on three....and he is still nursing. She also has a 3 month old to nurse also. Is it just me or is this ridiculous?




  1. I have my opinions on it- which is a child should learn to be a little more independent by two... if the mother is absolutely adamant of giving their child breast milk that age (EW) then at least pump and give that child the milk in a cup! But yeah i agree with you that it is ridiculous.

  2. I say after one they should stop nursing from the breast (they can bite) but there is no reason not to still pump them breast milk (for the nutrients) but give it to them in a bottle. After 2 though they should be getting all their nutrients from solid food and milk.

  3. I think anything over 2 years old is too old.

  4. I say too old for the bottle too old for the breast. This always gets thumbs down. But I don't know how anyone can condemn a mother for letting her baby have a bottle over the age of 1when a 3 yr old can still breast feed. No difference except what they are drinking. I held my daughter and bonded with her every time she drank her bottle, I did not just plop it in and walk away.

  5. I think after 2 years old there is no reason to breast feed them, I know people who breastfed their children until they were 11!!! Which is absolutely absurd if you ask me. By 2 years old they are able to drink cows milk/soy milk and can eat regular food.

  6. my personal opinion is one they have some teeth and their mouths and you find that their biting its time to put them on te bottle or sippy can still pump and wean them off of breastmilk gradually

  7. It has been said that there are many benefits to breast feeding. Many women breast feed up to four or five really. I personally believe that at around 18 months you should start to ween the baby. The baby needs to start eating table food. There is no way you should breast feed and table feed a child. Your relative needs to stop breast feeding the two year old while she has a chance. She still has another baby to feed and that is not healthy for the newborn.

  8. i think weaning should be done before a child turns 2. my aunt breastfed all three of her children until she had the next which was 2-ish years for the first two but when the third one came around she fed him until it was ridiculous, he was well over three and asking for her "ninny" if the child is able to say "i want your ninny" it's time to wean for sure.

  9. my son is going to be 3 in November. He still nurses a little bit...not even daily. we are in the process of weaning, but there are days that he just will not take no for an answer, so I let him nurse for a minute or 2.  When I think he has had enough I whisper "OK done" and he is done.

    and just for the record...he has been eating table food and drinking from a sippy cup since he was 7 months old. The ONLY time that breast milk is his sole source of nutrition is when he is very ill. It has gotten him through several bouts of gastroenteritis  where he could not keep anything else down. It is merely comfort for him now.

  10. Up to two years is okay, after that is a bit much. Especially if there is another child nursing. Enough is enough already.

  11. I think if she has a 3 month old - that poor child shouldn't have to compete with a 3 year old for milk.......I just shake my head.......she should've started weaning B4 she became pregant with this one.........I too have heard stories of 5/7/11 year olds breastfeeding - I'd like to see in about 10 years what kind of LIFE ISSUES these kids have because of it........I mean come on!! 11 years old? Your kid's hitting puberty and still sucking on your boob?


    I say 2 yrs max - but I'd feel uncomfortable nursing a child who can walk up to me and ask for it - I say 6 months to a year,,,,,,,,then they're on solids .........give me my b***s back LOL

  12. No in my oppinion it's weird. I saw with my mom someone nursing a 7 year old (around that age). My mom stopped at 1 year or less.

  13. The AAP recommends a minimum of one year, while the WHO recommends a minimum of two years.  Both say that nursing should continue as long as Mom and Baby want.  Tandem nursing is also not uncommon.

  14. Personally, I think anything over 2 years old is too old.

  15. i guess it all depends on the mother and her relationship with her children... i only breastfed for a month and only by pumping because i was put on meds and baby wouldnt latch, but a huge problem i had before birth that i spoke to my doctor about was that i felt anxiety a deep deep anxiety when my nipples were stimulated, i know that sounds nuts, but that didnt give me a lot of hope to breastfeed either, i would pump and cry, not from pain but the sadness that came with it, i know it sounds bizarre, but then again there are mothers who love to breastfeed like my sister in law who breastfeed til her son was in preschool haha and they have a great affectionate relationship and close bond, i do sometimes think its weird to see a baby who can walk and talk breastfeeding but to each their own i suppose

  16. It's not uncommon for toddlers to revert back to nursing when a new baby comes. Usually they lose interest pretty quickly though.

    The kid should be getting enough nutrition in the way of regular food. He may just be nursing because he's jealous of the new baby, or using it like a pacifier.

  17. I personally would have weaned before 3 years old - but every parent is different, and if they're all happy - who am I to judge?

  18. Anything over about 16 months is just too old. i mean her kid is old enough to form sentences that's gross!!!!! I wonder if she enjoys a full set of teeth on her nipples, that HAS to hurt.

  19. Why is this anyones business? If you want to breastfeed your children until they are one, two, or three it's your business. I think what she's doing is fine for her and her children. Doesn't mean you or I would do the same, but we should at least respect her decision as this kids mom.

  20. When the baby has teeth.

  21. I think after a year it's a little iffy and you should begin to ween except for maybe evening feedings, but definately after 2.

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