
Nursing moms- how does DAD feel about breastfeeding in public?

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I hope I'm not opening up a huge can of worms here, as I don't want this to turn into a debate question about whether or not it's appropriate to breastfeed in public.

I thought it would be interesting to hear how our better halves feel about us nursing in public, or seeing others do it. Mine isn't bothered by it, but he is a very shy person and, in the beginning, I could tell it made him a little nervous that something might "flop out". He is usually very good about holding baby while I get comfy, and holding a blanket while baby latches (I am shy too).

Please, no debates or rants.




  1. My husband liked to pull the blanket off me and laugh.  Not too mature for a 40 year old. :-)

  2. My husband is entirely supportive. Actually when my son was younger- before I started weaning him- if we were out and he started getting fussy, my husband would open up the diaper bag looking for a blanket asking me if I needed to nurse him- so he not only supported it, he encouraged it. It was wonderful. :)  

  3. It is a non-issue. I don't think we have ever discussed it.  

  4. With our first child my husband was very funny about it. One time he even asked me if I was sure it was legal to nurse in the mall! But by the second one he was so used to it he didn't even notice. Hopefully at some point it will be accepted and not an issue.

  5. Jealous!!! Hahaha he wishes he could get the booby in public too! Well he was okay with it, he was one of those guys that did the research and encouraged me to keep breastfeeding for a full year.  

  6. To be honest, I've never asked.

    We just had a discussion earlier today about extended breastfeeding (I think his mom is weirded out by the fact that I still nurse my 12 month old) and he knew he was treading on thin ice :)  I'm a bit of a debater and when I'm well versed (or at least think I am) on a topic, I love to go at it-  so he tends to stay clear of my popular debate topics.

    There have been a few times that we've been out and I'll start nursing our little one and he doesn't even notice.  He'll say "why's Alexander so quiet.......ooh, he's eating".  None of my boob shows while I'm nursing, so I don't think he's worried about that.

    I'll ask him when he gets home (he's off doing his fantasy football draft with his friends-  *eye roll*).  Although, even if he was leary about it- I don't think he'd ever say so.  I think his response will be "Baby, it's your body and you do as you wish"....... such a good fiance, I tell ya...haha.

  7. My husband was nervous about it at first, but once he saw how discreet I am he got over it. Now he doesn't care at all! My son is nine months old and the quickest way to calm him is to nurse. I'd much rather nurse in public than have a screaming baby in public!

  8. He was fine with it.  He was also a big, scary football player, which may be why I never received any of the rude comments that so many other nursing mothers tell about.  

  9. Ha husband was so terrified that someone would see or watch to see if anything 'fell out', but now he's better...I've been breastfeeding for 11 months now and always try to plan ahead, feed in a nursing room or changing room, or use a blanket so that he's less concerned. As far as other moms feeding public...he couldn't care less...more power to them, but when it comes to his own wife he gets very protective ;)

  10. Mine just said, "Do what you want."

    Ha ha, although I don't think I would do it. I just feel uncomfortable. I have somehow managed to avoid nursing my son in public for this entire 6 months! I don't think I would care if I didn't have stretch marks though. I have to lift my shirt in order to get him to my tatas... and my belly isn't so pretty. O well, I hope I will get over it. (Although, I don't have a problems with nursing my son over at friends' or families')

    He also said that he doesn't even care if other women do it either. And he'll try not to look : )

  11. I don't think i would do it any where like in a restaurant or a mall where there is a ton of people around. But i do it in my car when my daughter is screaming. i don't like bringing a bottle of milk with me everywhere i go and what is the point if i have some on me at all times lol. but when i do it in my car i always cover up with those things you put over your windshield. My husband doest care either way no as long as i am covered up and my daughter isn't crying and is full and happy!

  12. My husband was fine with it as long as I covered up with a blanket, which I always did.  

  13. My husband was generally fine with it.  The only time he got a little funny about it was in church.  But he would have preferred our daughter to scream even less!

  14. At first, hubby thought I was "just being difficult" when I refused to go to the restroom to nurse (his mother asked me to when dd1 was about a month of our first times in public, and I was shunned away!)

    Thankfully, he listened to why I am so...let's say strong willed ;-)... about this topic. He is now supportive when I need to nurse (wherever we are).  After my most recent...incident...(G*ma asking me to leave my dd1's b*day my house - while I nurse) I typed up our state's statutes and had them laminated (LOL). I had another family function to go to and felt I could stay calmer if I had them with me. Hubby was all for it. But he still says "If his aunt were breastfeeding his cousin, he would feel uncomfortable. But he would be the one to leave, not ask her to." It's an improvement.

    EDIT: As for that other family function, G*ma started to say something when I began nursing dd2 during dinner...and MIL asked G*ma to mind her own business (Politely) =D and that was the end of it.

  15. My husband is very supportive.  He thinks nothing of it.  We have a friend nursing a toddler, and he never has a problem being around her while she nurses, either.  It's just natural - my daughter is 25.5 months, and still gets breastmilk (I am pumping), and so, it's just not an issue.

    Although he does draw the line at our daughter bringing him her babies for HIM to nurse.  LOL.

  16. Due to how irrational and idiotic society is(and the fact that I'm the shiest person I know) when my daughters were breastfed I could not do it in public such as a resturant booth or a store or something like that but I would go to the bathroom or the car to feed my girls.... BUT my hubby was more than willing to stand by me if I could do it in public. He said that if anyone said anything he would kindly tell them to F*ck Off and Mind Their Own I would say he was alright with was I who could not do it right in plain view

  17. My husband feels nothing at all.  He certainly doesn't want our babies to have formula, and we both hate washing bottles and pump parts.  He feels nothing when he spots another woman nursing her baby (sometimes he smiles at the baby), and he feels nothing when I nurse in public.  He usually takes the older child somewhere else to pass the time, like looking at a candy counter or tossing coins in a fountain.

    He doesn't even make a big deal when I accidentally expose too much.  He politely lets me know and doesn't get weird about it.

    I guess I'm lucky.

    Vickie Lynn--you need a couple nursing tanks or some tank tops with holes cut over your nipples.  Wear a top over them, then when you pull your top up to nurse, your belly stays covered!  You can also use a tube top under your top to cover your belly.  Just pull it down around your waist.  A sling helps cover your belly too.  I'm the same way--I don't care about covering my b*****s half as much as I care about covering my ugly belly!

  18. I never asked . . . he never cared.  He's a pretty laid back guy.

  19. I always just give my daughter a bottle when we're in public. I'm not really too shy about it, but my fiancee hates it.  I think I've only done it twice and my daughters 3 and a half months old. One of the times was when she was only a week old and he had to go get his wisdom teeth removed and he was really good about helping me stay "discrete" . Lol.

  20. At first my husband was a little uneasy about it because he didn't want perverted people looking at me, but now he's used to it. I feed our son whenever we need to, wherever we're at :]

  21. Gee either pump a bottle before you leave or feed the baby when you return home.  It makes people very uncomfortable to have someone breastfeeding around them.  I can't believe some mothers are so selfish when it comes to where they decide to let their b*****s hang out.

  22. I know my husband is supportive of it anytime or anywhere, but I figured I'd ask him for his gut response to this, just summing up how he feels.  He said that he's "all for it; it's normal and wonderful".  He did mention the only issue he has is being nervous someone would yell at me about it, lol!!!  He's so sweet for his concern.  :)  I can take care of someone that stupid though....haaaaaaaa.

    **Someone like the poster who is disgusted by breastfeeding, for instance!!  Keep your ignorance to yourself because we nursing moms don't need it.  Thanks so much!  ;)

  23. When my son and I were getting the hang of breastfeeding, my husband would help cover me up since I was exposing my breast for longer than I'm comfy with. Now I feed whenever and where ever without covering up, and my husband is supportive of me. He knows that I'm doing the best for our son and has seen from other parents what a pain in the butt it is to have to worry about bottles. I'm sure he wouldn't be impressed if I was walking around with my b***s flopped out (like so many breastfeeding mums do apparently) but he wouldn't say anything because it's my he could stare at my b***s too then lol.

  24. Yeah, my husband was a littler nervous that I might accidentally let something slip or that people (especially men) might gawk and try to get more of a glimpse than they ought to.  A couple of outings with slickly done nursings and no "wardrobe malfunctions" convinced him what I'd said all along: I know how to do this without flashing people.  Believe me, I have no desire to show off my goods to strangers any more than he wants me to.  And believe me, most strangers don't want to see it, either.  Mine, too, helped me get adjusted and held blankets up, or just covered me, as necessary while baby and I got situated for meal time.

  25. My husband says he doesn't mind woman nursing in public as long as they have one of those cover ups. I would have to agree. Being a breastfeeding mom to 3 kids and plan on nursing with this baby that's on the way - I prefer to be well covered and very discreet about nursing in public.

  26. mine feels like everyone is watching . but he knew our son had to eat and when the girls get here he know that they will too. he don't care about what others think for that reason but he does feel left out

  27. The father of my child is very supportive of my decision to breastfeed in public.

    He doesnt blink an eyelid, when i do.

    I just wouldnt like to be the person who dares pull a face, or comment on how disgusting it is. He would most definately kick off.

    If his baby is hungry, she will feed. And it is upto me to take care of it.

    Proud breastfeeding mommy :)

    dmwojo83: haha i guess your one of those extremely jelous women who never breasfed, and are so scared that their husband might just catch a glimpse of boob!!!

    You seriously cannot find it offensive...its feeding a baby for gods sake!!

    Did you know you had b*****s too?

    geez...people these days....

  28. My husband started off just plain-ol' supportive, but now he's a lactivist :)  He's a good guy, that man of mine!

  29. My boyfriend says it is my body and really he doesn't care either way.  He thinks breastfeeding is just a natural thing and has no problem with woman doing it in public, he just ignores it or atleast tries to.  He says that he understands that for many it is a big turn on so that is why so many view it as inappropriate but he really doesn't care he just sees it as a woman doing what is best for their baby and feeding him/her.  It helps that his exwife nursed for awhile so he got use to it.  

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