
Nursury rhyme? maybe french?

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I'm sorry for so few details but what is this song/ nursery rhyme? i think it's french. I can at best spell it phonetically.





  1. Are you maybe thinking of Alouette?  You can find lyrics to kids songs at

  2. Alouette

    "Alouette" is also a: user

    (thing) by tWD (14.6 hr) (print)    ?   2 C!s Wed Dec 10 2003 at 22:49:59


    Gentille alouette!


    Je te plumerai!

    Recognize it already, don't you? If not, bear with me, because if you've ever been one of a large group of children in the care of an adult and never sung this song, you are (I assure you) in a small, unfortunate minority. Once a French-Canadian fur-traders' canoe-paddling ditty, Alouette has for generations been a favourite of classrooms and Scout camps the non-Francophone world over. Hardly surprising, as it has all the ingredients of a campfire winner: a simple melody, pseudo-nonsensical lyrics, repetitive verses that get longer and harder as you go on, some doubled lines just begging for a call-and-response, a nice big "O-H-H-H" bit, and that all-important slippery quality of louder = better.

    The non-non-Francophone reader may find my use of "pseudo-nonsensical" a little brusque. Honestly, though, my childhood memory of the song is as pure nonsense, which fact detracts from said memory not a jot. Only in my adult years did it occur to me that there is no such song as AAA-LOWETA-JONTY-PLOOMA-RETTA, and that's because I finally stumbled upon the meaning. It is this revelation that I wish to present here - Alouette, lyrics, in the original loud-friendly French, with quiet-reading-friendly English translation. (Francophones, you may go now.)

    Alouette!                     Lark.

    Gentille alouette!            Nice lark.

    Alouette!                     Lark.

    Je te plumerai!               I will pluck you.

    Je te plumerai la tête        I will pluck your head.

    Je te plumerai la tête        I will pluck your head.

    Et la tête                    And your head

    Et la tête                    And your head

    Alouette                      Lark

    Alouette                      Lark


    That's right - it's a song about ripping a pretty little bird to bits. HOW COOL IS THAT? If I'd learnt that much French when I was five, I would have been belting out Alouette for the next twenty years straight, I swear.

  3. Is it the song "Alouette"?  

    "Alouette, gentille Alouette

        Alouette, je te plumerai

        Je te plumerai la tête

        (Je te plumerai la tête)

        Et la tête

        (Et la tête)




        Alouette, gentille Alouette

        Alouette, je te plumerai

        Je te plumerai le bec

       (Je te plumerai le bec)

        Et le bec

        (Et le bec)

        Et la tête

        (Et la tête)




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