
Nut Flush on The Folp (odds question)?

by Guest33832  |  earlier

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I am sitting at an 8 person table. I am on the button. Blinds are 100/200. I get dealt AcJc. One call and one raise to 400. I re-raise to 800 and get 2 calls. Three people in on the flop, it comes 4c5cKc.

One check then a 1000 bet into a 3000 pot. I have about 6k worth of chips and go all in. One fold and 1 call. We turn them over and I am happy to see a Kh Js. I am way ahead..but by how much and what are the odds? A pair of kings vs a nut flush!

I have tried to figure out my odds of loosing this had which I eventually did. The turn was a K and the river was a 6. What are the odds for a runner runner in this situation? Thanks to anyone who can explain it to me!!




  1. (Assume you typoed, as 6 on river would be a winner for you.)

    With 7 cards known, leaves 45 possibles giving 45*44 or 1980 combinations. Only losing combos for you:

    JJ (1 possible)

    KK (1 possible)

    two sets of K + one of J (2), 4 (3), 5 (3) for 2 * 8 or 16 possible

    This makes your losing percentage 18/1980 or just under 0.91%

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