
Nutrition for 800m athelets?

by Guest58812  |  earlier

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what kind of foods would be good to eat if you wan to run the 800-mile?




  1. 800 miles or 800 meters?

  2. I eat pasta the night before. during the day be smart dont eat c**p. a lot of carbs, vitamins.  A protein shake a few hours before always seems to get me some more energy. oh and drink water all day until your p**s is clear

  3. presuming u mean meters...

    consume high enegy foods.. eats loads of carbs and proteins such as lean meats! You also need to drink loads, to catch up on all the loss of water. Drink adequately without gulping it alll down and drink often up until two hours before you start!

    concentrate your diet on starchy foods such as, fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta, rice..

    Eating a diet with plant seeds  improves health apparently, which may help with maintaining a better body weight. Nuts and seeds also tend to lower your cholestrol.

    Also try and eat fruit and veg skins! and try goats milk. animal milk is so much better than the normal cheap tesco c**p. it has more calcium which prevents stress injuries which could affect yur training!

    hope this kinda helped!

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