
Nutritional value...??

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This is totally random, but i think random things a lot.

I was wondering what the nutritional value of paper would be. Yes paper. No want to eat it lolz, just curious.

Like its made from wood, which is a plant, so wouldn’t it be good for you?...




  1. We can't digest wood, so we wouldn't be able to digest paper.

  2. None.  I've heard of people eating paper to stay thin.  I hope you aren't thinking of doing that.

  3. Paper has no nutritional value.

    Paper contains glue so I would not recommend anybody to eat it!


  4. No there's really no nutritional value at all, there's minimal calories but it's really indigestible fiber from wood pulp... it's not something you can digest, you'll basically just "pass" a really, really big spitball a few days later. Might want to call the plumber in advance for this one.

    BTW, paper is processed with tons of dyes and inks so it might even be detrimental to your health to eat it.

    There are SOME types of paper that are edible though, like rice paper. The rumor that Trident gum's wrapper is edible was probably based on a type of Japanese candy, called BOTAN rice candy, which has edible rice paper around it.

    Also, there's some environmentalist/conservationist groups that use animal p**p and process it into paper... I've heard of elephant and panda p**p paper. Please don't eat that, either.
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