
Nuts and Zoo magazines encourage sexual irresponsibility?

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The Tory MP Micheal Gove says that these magazines are "fostering and encouraging sexual irresponsibility" and that all womens magazines are mature and responsible. Any comments?




  1. Dunno I buy proper p**n  

  2. No way if you are stupid enough to be irresponsible when it comes to s*x, then you would be irresponsible anyway whether you read these magazines or not. I like these magazines actually. I sometimes read my boyfriends copies. I don't think a clever person would be influenced to go and have irresponsible s*x just because they read a magazine

  3. just the tories being boring again. if nuts and zoo are irresponsible then magazines like more and scarlett must be as well.  

    magazines like that have always been around in some form or another.  there will always be a market for them as teenage boys like to look at naked ladies and buying zoo is easier and less embarrassing than buying a top shelf publication.  also i doubt very highly that most of the guys who buy those magazine's actually spend a lot of time 'reading' it.

  4. I disagree, 'sexual irresponsibility' is about lack of morals. I've never read either but judging from the covers both mags appear chavvy.

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