
Ny pimple is starting to turn into a white head.. What should I do to continue the healing?? HELP?

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I have a bad habit of picking at my face but I didnt do it cause I hear it stops the healing.. Ok so they were red bumbs with no pus in them but now they have a white head but they are kinda hard still so how can I get rid of them or make them look better y tonight Im going out and I probably will not help but pick at my face what should I do??




  1. I'll probably get a few thumbs down from other people on this one, as it's probably not the BEST solution for the pimple. But I had this huuuge pimple (probably like a centimeter in diameter) next to my nose and i couldn't stand it, so when it got a white head i kept touching it and ended up popping ALL of the pus out of it, pretty much. Right now it's kind of red, but it's so much smaller and less noticeable (and easier to cover with concealer) than it was before. So if you want it to go down quicker, that's what worked for me.

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