
Nybody out there who can ONLY ever ovulate with clomid? I need some positive answers plz

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Plzzzzz guys can u answer this if u feel ur only method of ovulating was clomid. I am currently on clomid and feel really down after reading the skynews report on clomid. I have follicles scan this friday.. pray for me !




  1. i don't ovulate on my own at all and don't even have periods mybe 1-2 times a year, and i have pcos and i ovulated last month on clomid!!!, i'm on cycle 2 now hoping we get a bfp this month!

    and the article on the news is about 'unexplained' couples only (they didn't report it properly)

  2. i fell pregnant naturally and i don't know about the sky news report but i wanted to wish you luck on friday and future baby dust to you hun

  3. I only ovulated on clomid (and only on 100 and 150 mg), I really felt like it was the right treatment for us.  We got pregnant on our 3 IUI with clomid and hcg trigger, so it did take us a while, but I don't think I would have conceived otherwise.

    The other poster is correct, the study only looked at couples where the woman ovulated on her own without clomid.  In those cases, clomid is not much of a help and in some cases hinders conception.  BUT, for those of us who do not ovulate on our own, it is effective.

    Best of luck on your follicle scan!

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