
Nyquil pros and cons?

by Guest32349  |  earlier

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---Would you recomend it to me? i dont fall asleep in my bed until like 1-2 hrs later usually.

---pros and cons of nyquil?

---experience?has it worked for you?how well?

please answer





  1. i personally thing u should smoke a little bowl and u will sleep like a baby.

  2. pros : it knocks you out quickly and painlessly

    cons: for me i wakeup feeling exhauseted.

    try Valerian Root pills. its an herb and it helps with people who cant fall to sleep quickly.. its not bad for you at all and i assume that nyquil probably is not good for your stomach. I buy my Valerian Root pills at Target in the vitamin / herbs section. They help me fall asleep faster and i wakup feeling refreshed.  

  3. it's a cold med not a sleeping aid but yes it knocks me out when I take it as directed

  4. I've used NyQuil before and I did fall asleep sooner, but that could have easily been because I was tired and felt like c**p, too  ;-)

    The major "pro" is that it helps to minimize symptoms... but ironically, that's also one of the "cons". If your symptoms are suppressed, it can take your system longer to deal with it because those symptoms help to get rid of the illness (runny nose, sneezing, inflammation, puffiness, etc). The reason it's a pro is that it also helps you to sleep while it works, so it lets your system work more to fight because of that. That's the same reason DayQuil will often prolong an illness longer than it would have been without it... but you don't feel as sick for those few days.

    All that being said (I'm not sure if I'm mis-interpreting or not), if you are just using it to sleep, you're going to hurt yourself in the long run. Over-medicating is never a good idea and it could damage your tissues or get your system used to the added medication so it won't work as well when you really need it.

    Nyquil works well enough for the bulk of the population that it's still popular on the market, but I have used less than 1 bottle over the past 4-5 years (and that bottle was old by the time I started using it when I was sick last). Personally, I prefer to maintain my immune system so I don't get sick in the first place. I wish you luck in your choices either way!
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