
O'Reilly is calling all Americans to becoming alert to a real growing problem- Are you willing to listen ?

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Bill O'Reilly is calling out to ALL Americans to get real and be alert to the need to pull together as a country in helping itself to get through some very tough and potentially dangerous times ahead. See for yourself tonight on his show on the Fox network.




  1. Oh, does it say he is a self serviing sexual harrassing numbnuts??? I don't need to listen to that.

  2. No I am not willing to listen. Bill O'Reilly is a self serving loudmouth would cares less about America than he does for his own ratings.

  3. Yes, he's right. He understands the liberal menace we face.

  4. I never listen to morons like Bill O'Reilly, and neither should anyone else.

  5. We better....the radical muslim community is planning on something much bigger than 911...much BIGGER and spread across the country. best be ready...won't be any "I told you so".

  6. Bill O'reilly is an idiot ... and I'm being nice.   If he said the sky is blue , I wouldn't believe it anymore.

  7. Are you serious? Is this a commerical for that moron?


    Loofa, Loofa, Loofa, Loofa - LOL

  9. yes i will listen i love listening to Bill O`Reilly.. he says what people really want to say..a man that's not afraid to say what is right and be honest about it..Bill O`Reilly is politically incorrect and i love that..he may be a loud mouth and all of those that don`t like him really must have listened to him to have an he got to them too...

  10. Tonite, eh? Yeah, I'll be watching.

    Saw him last nite talin' 'bout a world war for oil f something isn't done...he's right, ya kno'.

    We wont pull together, friend. Just read those first few posts.

  11. Bill O'Reilly is to political commentary what Rosie O'Donnell is to comedy.

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