
O line help?

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i play right tackle can u please give tip on how to cut block and angle my man off.




  1. no cuts they blow out knee's

  2. There is not an easy explaination for either but here it goes....

    Cut blocking for an O-lineman is a technique that has to be practised to be truely effective.

    The first thing you have to do to execute a good cut block is to get the defensive player to commit to engaging you. You can do that by either selling him on an easy pass by you, or by standing a little more upright in a pass blocking technique to let him know he can rush. Then as he is just about to get even with you or engage, dive forward or to their side which ever is more available taking him out just below the knees. The two things that are very important in that technique is first they have to be coming at pretty much full speed (as they will be able to avoid you by jumping over or outright stopping), the other is that you must make contact. To make contact you are going to have to keep your head up. A trick I used to use would be to lock my eyes onto the tops of his socks as I was about to dive. Being a tackle and depending on your teams offensive plan, cut blocking could be a very important part of what a tackle needs to be able to do.

    Angling off your man, is tough to do inside. As a tackle though it can be much easier to accomplish in two different ways. The easiest it to make sure your outside shoulder is in the middle of his chest.Keeping your hands inside of his numbers, push him to the side you want to lead the defensive player by. (A good trick to help assist you without getting a holding call is to slide your thumbs up under their shoulder pads, it gives you some leverage plus you can gain some control of your opponent). As your opponent continues to slide outside in the direction you want them too, keep your outside arm as straight as possible leaving your inside arm more of a power postion to help keep their own momentum carrying them in the direction you want them too. Plus with the pressure of the straighter arm they will believe they are beating your block causing them to rush harder in the direction you are trying to get him to go to.

    The other way is to position yourself from the snap of the ball on the inside of your opponent, they will instinctually go to your outside. Keeping them on the outside while pushing them with your legs will continue to push them in an outward motion, either creating the hole between you and the guard, or letting him "run-by" the QB in the pocket.

    When angling your man past the QB remember not to just let him go once he is past, as he can always turn back and have a free shot at the QB, if he hasn't released the ball yet.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Simply put you got to be quick off the snap and get low. Try to hit him at an angle so it knocks him off his balance. Hitting him on an angle is very high risk high reward though. If you don't get a good enough angle on your man he can go right by you. Personally I think it is best to hit them square on and low.
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