
O my gosh!! i need some advice! please??

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okay so i went to this party not too long ago and i got caught. Im barely 17 and my mom thought i was just out dancing with some friends and she never knew i was going to go to that party. There was beer and other alcoholic i got kinda drunk. I mean i thought i was fine because it was like most of my friends there and i can trust i guess they got wasted too. ummm there was this guy that went and we were supposed to hook up that instead i hooked up with an other guy...then it all went down from there. (this is really gonna sound S****y but i swear it isnt like me, at all)...I hooked up with 8 people that night. Now i dont know how to keep people from asking me all kinds of questions...and calling me the s**t of the night. I whish i could go bak and i would never drink or even go to the party. Oh and to end the mom caught me....i mean it was obvious cuz i didnt get home till the next morning. =( and now i lost my mom's and dad's trust....

so what can i do to get my parents trust bak??

and how can i let people know that i am really

not like that??

SOME ONE HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. okay well this isn't something you can fix overnight ((trust me, i know)) I can't say that I've done anything remotely close to that in ONE NIGHT, but I had my share of "fun" in high school.  Parent's trust is a hard thing to gain, and very easy to lose.  Needless to say, you should try to steer clear of parties for the next couple months and do your best in school.  Be polite to your parents, don't argue ( I know that can be tough).  As for people calling you a s**t, sorry to say, but reputation is a hard thing to change.  Once you're pinned a "s**t" by someone, they will tell their friends, who tell their friends, who tell their friends.  You just have to pretend like you have no idea what they're talking about and ignore them as much as possible.  My reputation in my freshman year of high school was s**t, only because I was a flirtatious cheerleader, and it took me about till my senior year to change that reputation.  Good luck.

  2. You violated their trust already, and shown you don't deserve it.  Why do you expect to magically get it back all of a sudden?

    The first step to re-establish trust is to admit that your parents have a good reason to not trust you, and to accept their punishment in good graces.

  3. I don't think you -can- get your parent's trust back. You shouldn't have gone drinking.  

  4. First of all get some new friends stop hanging out with bad people.

  5. Almost everyone's done something like that before. Don't worry about it - you screwed up, you were an idiot and your parents are going to be mad at you for a while. But they'll get over it, and so will you.

    Just take it as a lesson learned, and don't do it again.

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