
O.o Such a Weird dream.?

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I had a dream today. I bearly figured it out...haha. Well, it was about these people from another world. 1 was a somewhat normal looking kid and the other 3 were his alien followers. The setting mostly took place at school [even if it wasn't my school it looked like one though]. The teachers were telling us [before they came] that the were coming. But whatever, we were at a big pool with all the class and like using huge motor boats for fun until something happened that the teachers refused to tell me. But I know it had to do something with the aliens killing someone so we quickly came back at school, at night. Seriously it was pitch black so the aliens couldn't find us. There were like these little rooms like changing rooms that you find only in stores and not in school, but those rooms were like a hiding place so the aliens couldn't find you. I tried not to put my feet down since the aliens would know I'm there. There was a couch and my friend Lachelle was sitting on it playing video games with the volume WAY up I thought we'd get caught so I left the room and tried not to get kidnapped or something. I went upstairs and went to find others to hide with, I found this guy named Sid [a teacher] and these two girls watching tv, but it was ok so I stayed there for a while until this girl from the front door came running in saying that an alien almost got her. And they were coming that way! So panicked so I rushed back to Lachelle and later [even if I wasn't there to watch what happened] I knew that they got killed or at least injured. I asked lachelle [...] if the aliens been here. She said no so I thought it was safe. But I didn't feel safe in a little room like that especially exposed from the top and bottom a bit. I got scared and lowered the volume of lachelle's video game so feel better. Then the aliens left and would come tomorrow for the whole week. I didn't hear who got killed and who lived, but in the end of the week the aliens came once again and they said they were gonna take all our orange juice! I'm like...O__O;; Pardon? Then we ran into the school quickly while the principal was screaming "THAT WASN'T PART OF THE DEAL!" And somehow the inside was like an orange...then i forgot what happened.

.___. sorry.

What could it mean? Believe in aliens?

Not to go to bed without eating or else I'll get these weird nightmares. xDD




  1. I think you might be having insecurity or like other problems with your friends especially at school. I'm not sure what the aliens mean but maybe they stand for something different that has changed. maybe divorced parents, new school, a turn of personality in your friends...

  2. Well maybe a small part of all that might be because your currently moving up a grade in school and worried what it will be like.  But i don't know if you go to school or anything and it could just be a strange dream.    If i go to bed after eating too much of something i have strange sort of scary dreams myself.

  3. Well, judging by the fact that the dream played out like a story....but made no logical sense......I'm going to guess that this was a release dream.  Your mind just acts out these scary scenarios as a way of getting rid of all the emotional and mental garbage that we collect throughout our day.  It's kinda like our subconscience way of acting out our "worst case scenarios".  They don't mean anything, persay, just your minds way of release.

  4. Rofl XDDD

    That must've been an awesome dream

    Maybe you should go to http://www.extrasensory-perceptions-guid... and kind of interpret your dream or ssomething D:

    Goodluck! :3


    I went to check out what fruits and aliens ment :O


    A positive sign of health and prosperity. Fruit is a symbol of abundance and reeping what we sow.


    important meeting ahead

    I dunno what the alien one means by that >_>

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