
O2 internet on my mobile??????????????

by  |  earlier

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Is it possible to get an internet connection on my phone without having to pay a fortune for it i.e a euro or so a minute? O2, 086




  1. If you want to get on the internet with your phone then your going to be charged for roaming and with o2 they only give you like 1kb per page if your on contract.

    If not, then you get charged for the pages you surf on your phone, thats if your on PAYG

  2. Hiya Eamon! 02 have got a cheap deal for PAUG users  up and running for £1 a day,or £5 per week!

  3. No thats how they make there money

    theres no good way around it one way our another it will

    cost you  

  4. You will have to pay for the internet connection on your phone, if you are on contract then you will still have to pay for the internet connection only if you have been on the internet but i don't recommend it though, use a laptop if you want to go on the internet, wireless. If you are travelling then you will need to take a laptop with you (if you got on).

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